All about Electional Astrology - the astrology of timing. Some days are better than others to initiate something of importance. The Moon in relation to the planets and the planets in relation to one another determine the quality of each day. Daily forecasts are based on the analysis of these alignments.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Neutral Day
A neutral day is one in which there is little energy to create forward momentum for new projects to get off the ground. This happens when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day, but also when there is little interaction between the planets. Today the moon is void until 10:51 PM eastern time. Delay important new initiatives and decisions. Instead use this day to take care of routine matters or to nurture your creative side.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Libra until she turns void-of-course this evening at 8:34 PM eastern time. The Libra moon favors social contact but while Mercury is still aligned with Pluto, the conversation may be less spontaneous and more like a cross-examination. This is a time when people are looking for answers to serious questions. On a lighter note, you can uncover useful information which helps you achieve your goal.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Challenging Day
The moon is void-of-course until 10:00 AM eastern time then moves into Libra, sign of compromise. However, it may be difficult to find that middle ground today as Mercury is with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, indicating the need to probe deeply to discover the truth. Expect intense exchanges all around but in the end we are the better for it. Surprise revelations are just around the corner.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Good Day
The moon remains in Virgo, while Mercury is closely aligned with Pluto, planet of understanding at the deepest level. This is a time when meaningful discussion can lead to significant and profound changes for the better. Whatever you're contemplating, it is likely that you will first have to let go of dysfunctional relationships before you can move forward. In the end, you will be much better off.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Good Day
The moon has moved into the detail-oriented sign Virgo, and now that Mercury has turned direct, this is the perfect time to get organized. Make preparations now and if possible, begin your new project after the new moon on February 8th. Meanwhile, get ready for changes ahead, and an overall improvement in the status quo.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course all day until 10:47 PM eastern time. Moreover, Mercury is stationary preparing to move forward late this afternoon so prepare for travel delays, cancellations and slow progress overall. As with all low-energy days, it is not advisable to make a major purchase, important decision or to start anything significant at this time.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Mixed Day
The moon is void-of-course half the day until 2:22 PM eastern time before moving into Leo where she will oppose the Sun for this evening's spectacular full moon. Delay all important decisions and undertakings while the moon is void, and use this time for routine activities. The full moon often brings to light important information which will help you in the decision- making process during the next two weeks. Monday Mercury turns direct at 4:50 PM and slowly things get back to normal.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Good Day
This remains a positive time to re-examine, improve upon, or to make changes in employment, projects and other important undertakings. If you are considering launching a new venture, of course wait until Mercury turns direct. But in the meantime, make all preparations. Tomorrow evening's full moon in the sign of Leo, will shed light on which way to go and will help you to take the lead when necessary.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Good Day
The moon is now in Cancer, its native sign, where she is in favorable alignment with Neptune all day. This combination is most rewarding when attention is given to the arts and all creative endeavors. You may feel less grounded and somewhat unclear today, so delay major decisions for the time being. Mercury retrograde just adds to the vagueness - but will soon be turning direct on January 25 at 4:50 PM eastern time. Meanwhile, continue to examine your options.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Gemini while the Sun moves into Aquarius and Mercury forms a challenging alignment with Uranus today. Expect some surprising or unexpected news which may or may not be to your liking. Keep your options open and try a new or different response. This is a time when innovative ideas can find a receptive audience, and doing something differently will accomplish much more than the same old approach.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury, now retrograde. This is a time to review and revaluate your options, but not to move forward. The Sun moves into Aquarius tomorrow morning, placing the emphasis on unique and innovative approaches to solving problems. While many may resist change, it is inevitable and paves the way to future growth.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Good Day
The moon remains in Taurus supported by Mars in favorable alignment with Neptune, planet of spirituality, intuition and escapism. On the positive side, meditation and spiritual practices are especially rewarding now, while others may enjoy being in nature, playing music or going to a movie. Practical matters can to be put aside for today in favor of taking the path of least resistance.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Good Day
Today's moon in Taurus is forming positive alignments all day, supported by Mars in favorable contact with Neptune. This is a good time for artistic and creative activities, musical events, social functions and the like. If you're planning a party or gathering, expect a good turnout and a successful outcome. Just make sure you have all supplies on hand and adequate parking for all.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Aries though the alignments are challenging today so this is a better time to prepare for the week ahead. As Venus continues to square Jupiter, monitor spending and delay major purchases until Mercury turns direct at the end of the month. Since Mercury has ruler-ship over all things mechanical, it is common for things to fail or breakdown during the retrograde cycle.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Neutral Day
Although the moon has moved into Aries, it is a low-energy day because there are no major alignments between her and the other planets until tomorrow. However Venus is beginning to square Jupiter which cautions us to watch our spending and delay major purchases until Mercury turns direct at the end of the month.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Neutral Day
Except for the early morning hours, the moon is void-of-course all day adding to an already nebulous atmosphere of confusion while Mercury continues in retrograde motion. Instead of pushing forward, it is better to review everything, especially when it comes to legal contracts and agreements. Misunderstanding are common now, so ask for confirmation, check reservations and delay major purchases. Mercury turns direct by the end of January but does not gain momentum until early February.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Good Day
Today's Pisces moon, supported by positive Sun, Mercury Jupiter alignments in the earth signs, offers much in the way of practical results for your efforts at this time. If you have a pet project on the back burner, now's the time to bring it forward, make revisions, or develop a marketing plan in preparation to move forward once Mercury turns direct. Good luck plays a role in all your endeavors right now especially if you are born in an earth or water sign.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Neutral Day
A neutral day is one in which there is not enough energy available to provide momentum for new initiatives to take root. This occurs when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day. If something of importance is undertaken during a void period, it will not proceed as planned. Invariably mistakes show up, someone changes his/her mind, there’s an error in the contract, or issue with the item being purchased. However this time is appropriate for developing and heightening intuitive faculties. Creative endeavors and spiritual practices are most rewarding during this time.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Good Day
Today's moon in Aquarius makes only positive alignments, while supported by favorable planetary alignments making this a very good time to revise a project, reinvent or reimagine something creative and begin the process of bringing it to the attention of others. It is a time when innovative ideas find a receptive audience so take it to the next level. Once Mercury turns direct you can move forward with formalities.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Mixed Day
The day begins with the moon in Capricorn, slowing things to a standstill, then turns void-of-course from 12:40 PM to 3:23 PM eastern time before moving into Aquarius. While the moon is void delay new initiatives. Once the moon is in Aquarius, it is strongly supported by a favorable alignment between Venus and Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. This fortunate alignment is in effect until mid-week and offers an opportunity to present innovative ideas, and succeed where you may have failed before. While Mercury continues to retrograde, one can go back and try again . . now's the time. Finalize once Mercury turns direct.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Variable Day
The moon in Capricorn together with Venus conjunct Saturn means patience is required now, as everything is moving more slowly than anticipated. This is a good time to get your finances in order, and to practice that all-illusive quality - discipline. Tomorrow's new moon in Capricorn should help when it comes to getting your affairs in order, but it may take a while.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Challenging Day
A challenging day is one in which obstacles lie in your path but you can push forward to complete the task at hand. However, when it comes to new initiatives, it is advisable to wait for a better time. Moreover Mercury is now retrograde moving back into Capricorn, sign of delays, often due to unforeseen problems that resurface during this cycle. Patience and perseverance wins in the end.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Challenging Day
Though the moon has moved into Sagittarius it remains a challenging time as she is square to Neptune most of the day. Moreover the Sun is in a challenging alignment with Uranus creating a feeling of unforeseen or surprising events on the horizon. While Mercury continues to retrograde for most of this month, keep in mind that this cycle serves a purpose. It is a time to revisit that which has not unfolded as planned, to make changes and needed revisions, then move forward with purpose.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Mercury Retrograde - What Does it Mean?
About three times a year the planet Mercury slows in orbit and assumes apparent retrograde motion. In other words, it seems to go backwards. As a result, many things associated with Mercury also suffer setbacks, delays, cancellations or revisions. Since Mercury has rulership over all forms of communication, written and oral -- this is not the time to sign contracts, purchase or sale agreements, leases or anything else of a legal nature because there will be hidden complications. Mercury's province extends to communications equipment and hardware which often malfunctions or completely breaks down during this cycle. It’s best to delay the purchase or installation of new equipment of any kind, until Mercury is direct.
Since Mercury is the planet associated with thought, decisions, and all things analytical, it’s no wonder mistakes occur while Mercury appears to be going backward. Indecision, miscommunication, faulty facts or reversal of fortune are likely during this cycle. Moreover, information can be inaccurate or incomplete necessitating further investigation before a conclusion can be reached. Hence, more delays. So it’s no wonder astrologers tell their clients to delay final decisions and sign nothing during the retrograde cycle.
If it is necessary to make a commitment or final decision during this cycle, it will be revisited at a later date. It is, however, a good time to re-consider all your options pertaining to the matter at hand but wait until Mercury is direct to make a final decision.
Current cycle: Mercury Rx 1/5/2015 – turns Direct 1/25/2015 4:50 PM eastern time
Challenging Day
The moon turns void-of-course mid-day and remains so until tomorrow morning but with challenging alignments including Venus square Neptune and Sun square Uranus, complicated by Mercury turning retrograde, it is a confusing time with mixed signals from those we may be interacting with. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to shift gears when necessary. As with all Mercury retrograde cycles, it is best to delay legal actions, signing of documents and all things of a binding nature until Mercury turns direct the end of January.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Variable Day
The moon has moved into the secretive sign of Scorpio while Mercury is stationing preparing to retrograde tomorrow at 8:00 AM eastern time. The next three weeks offers a time to review and reorganize but not to finalize matters. Delay the signing of important documents and agreements. If you must move forward during the retrograde cycle be prepared for some complications along the way. Delays are likely but once Mercury turns direct, any problems that may have arisen can be readdressed.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course until tomorrow mid-day so delay new initiatives and important decisions for the time being. Meanwhile, Mars moves into Scorpio tomorrow morning and Mercury slows to retrograde on Tuesday, January 5th. Complications are likely to arise in the next three weeks with communications, travel arrangements and legal agreements. Try to get all matters finalized quickly and avoid entering into binding contracts until Mercury turns direct. This is an appropriate time to review and make improvements where needed.
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