All about Electional Astrology - the astrology of timing. Some days are better than others to initiate something of importance. The Moon in relation to the planets and the planets in relation to one another determine the quality of each day. Daily forecasts are based on the analysis of these alignments.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to get something going. This happens when the moon is void-of-course all day. Therefore, new initiatives should be postponed temporarily. If you make a significant purchase while the moon is void, it may turn out to be disappointing or problematic. Moreover, important decisions should be postponed during this time because it is likely that information is incomplete or even incorrect.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Monday, December 22, 2014
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Capricorn so the mood is more subdued. This is a time when your occupation or career may come under review. If you're planning to make a change, consider bringing your resume up-to-date. You can rely on friends to be very helpful in whatever way you need them to be. The moon turns void-of-course this evening and will remain void throughout the day tomorrow. Use this time to take care of routine matters or engage in some creative activities.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course all day so consider working on creative projects and put business matters on hold temporarily. New initiatives cannot take hold right now because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, information received during this time is often inaccurate or incomplete so this a poor time for decisions. The Sun moves into Capricorn later today marking the winter solstice. During the next few weeks the focus shifts toward gaining status and recognition for one's accomplishments.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Sagittarius, optimism runs high and everyone feels better. This is a nice time to have some fun or plan a party, but for those thinking about marriage, not today. Venus is in a challenging alignment with Uranus, and while fun can be had by all, the unpredictable nature of this alignment does not bode well for stability in a relationship. Passion can rule the day so watch out.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Libra extending yesterdays influence though the climate has shifted toward material interests. This is a favorable time to review your finances, investments, retirement plans, insurance and the like. If you want to make changes, you can get assistance from a more experienced person without it costing too much. Consider becoming an expert yourself.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which circumstances are changing, however, you can proceed with your plans as long as you are prepared to make adjustments along the way. The moon remains in Libra extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. Mercury moves into Capricorn later today, bringing more conservative attitudes into play. A good business plan will make a big difference in gaining the support you need. Progress may be slower than anticipated so practice patience. It is a good idea to have a backup plan if someone fails to come through.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Libra, sign of partnerships and cooperative ventures. While this is a favorable time to engage with others, conflicting ideas can get in the way. But you can still make progress by implementing new techniques. While Mars moves through the sign of Aquarius, those who dare to venture into new territory will be rewarded. This is a time when creative thinking pays off. However, as Mercury travels through Capricorn, conservative thinkers may be reluctant to embrace new ideas. Move forward with confidence.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Virgo, people tend to be discriminating and overly critical but intellectual endeavors are favored. Projects that provide a service can do very well in this climate because everyone wants to help one another. This is a good time for getting to the root of any problem. You have access to a wide range of analytical resources to help resolve whatever issues come to the surface.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Virgo late morning, so plan accordingly. While the moon is in Virgo, work and service-related projects tend to do well. Later today, as the moon forms a challenging alignment with Neptune, confusion abounds and information can be misleading or exaggerated. This is a time when you should wait for the fog to lift before making a commitment or signing on the dotted line.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Leo though the climate has shifted and now your grandiose plan has an even better chance to attract support. But keep in mind that those who step up to help you now, may be hard to separate from when all is said and done. If your plans include travel, you may be able to find the perfect getaway, though it is likely to be costly. If budget concerns are not a factor, go for it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Variable Day
Variable refers to a changing environment in which an unexpected turn of events may interfere with your plans. For instance, someone you were depending on has a change of heart, or needed funding is withdrawn. However, you can recover if you are able to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner. While the moon is in Leo, the tendency is to do things in a grandiose manner. Budget overruns are likely unless you hold the line.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Mixed Day
While the moon is in the sensitive water sign of Cancer, people tend to respond emotionally thus decisions are strongly influenced by feelings. But her positive alignment with Saturn later in the day, will offer guidance in the form of a teacher or someone of importance who can offer expertise and assistance with your project. The relationship should be both lasting and beneficial. This is a good time to get organized. The moon turns void by early evening.
COMING SOON * * * * *
Monday, December 8, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Cancer extending yesterday's influence though the climate has shifted somewhat. Today you can run into opposition from those who disagree with your ideas. If you feel as though you're on shaky ground, you may well be. Others can be erratic and things fall into disarray. Expect the unexpected. Eventually stability returns, so use this time to work through problems.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Cancer this afternoon, so plan accordingly. If you begin something while the moon is in Cancer, expect some changes along the way. Moreover, as Mercury aligns with the Sun, great ideas abound but you will have to move swiftly to avail yourself of the benefits. Sift through the data then take a second look before you make a final decision.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Variable Day
Today's full moon in Gemini places emphasis on the need to make sure all information and communication is accurate. While many ideas are being exchanged, misunderstanding or miscommunication is a real possibility. This is generally a good time to work out the bugs before getting your project underway. The full moon spotlights issues to be addressed, so at least you know where to begin.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Variable Day
While the moon is in Gemini, the inclination is to rework everything until it is just right. Part of the process is to gather a lot of information, so much so that it becomes difficult to make a decision. But while Mercury is in such a favorable alignment with Uranus, insightful ideas abound so make a decision and move forward. Tomorrow's full Moon will spotlight issues to be addressed.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Good Day
The moon has moved into Taurus where practicality reigns supreme. Whatever you launch now has the benefit of a stable environment and access to abundant resources to help it expand. A rare alignment in the heavens creates a climate in which inventiveness is welcome and out of the ordinary is embraced. This is a time when those who think outside the box have an edge. You are worthy of great accomplishments.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Aries all day until she turns void-of-course later on. Projects begun while the moon is in Aries often get off to a good start only to run out of steam later. It's important to have backup to help complete the job at hand. Right now, folks may feel conflicted in the sense that feelings and actions seem to be at cross purposes. Wait until you're clear about what you want then move forward with conviction.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in the fire sign of Aries, energy is high and folks seem to be rushing around in an attempt to get everything done quickly. In fact, this is a good time for short-term projects that can be completed in one day. Later today, expect a surprise that can turn into an adventure of sorts. It's hard to say what it will be but spontaneity is key.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Variable Day
Today's moon in Pisces enhances intuitive and psychic awareness so this is a time when you should follow your feelings rather than your intellect. Moreover Mercury is in a challenging alignment with Neptune so it is difficult to know what is really going on around you. Consider spending time with creative projects like writing, composing, sculpting, painting or meditating. Imagination furthers all creative and artistic projects.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with the moon in Aquarius extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later on. This is not a very good time to begin a new project because support is lacking. Once the moon turns void she remains so for the rest of the day. It is best to delay new initiatives and postpone important decisions while the moon is void because information received during this time is often inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Variable Day
While the moon is in Aquarius, everyone seems friendly enough but it's difficult to establish strong bonds. Moreover, as Mercury changes signs later today, people shift gears and indecision is a factor. If you're depending on someone else for help, you may be disappointed. Better to go it alone for the moment. This is not a very good time to begin a new project but it is a very good time to enjoy the company of others. Happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon is in Capricorn during the early hours before she turns void-of-course. The void period lasts about four hours, so plan accordingly. Later, when the moon moves into Aquarius and the Sun aligns with Neptune, perceptions may become clouded and it is difficult to know whether what you see is what you get. Best to delay final decisions for a while. Unique and original ideas now have a receptive audience so move forward with your plans another day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Capricorn extending yesterday's influence through the day. While the moon is in Capricorn delays are likely but you will make progress. This is a favorable time for business because whatever you begin now has clout and permanency. Moreover, uniqueness is rewarded and if you are willing to take some risks, an original concept can gain momentum and garner rewards. This is a time when sheer determination makes all the difference.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Mixed Day
The day starts out with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Capricorn later on, so plan accordingly. If you begin something while the moon is in Capricorn, it may take a while to get going but once established it will have staying power. This is a favorable time to conduct business, do research, and form lasting relationships. You may get a promotion or other recognition accompanied by greater responsibilities. Make sure your resume is up to date.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Scorpio though the climate has shifted and clarity slowly begins to return. You can make the most of previous arrangements or complete that which is already underway. This is a better time to tie up loose ends rather than begin something new. As the Sun moves into Sagittarius early tomorrow, followed by the moon, you can look forward to more openness, optimism and enthusiasm in the weeks ahead.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Scorpio, sign of deep and intense feelings while Venus in a challenging alignment with Neptune, planets of love and fantasy. At the moment, perceptions may be misleading, colored by a tendency to see only what you wish to see. This is a time when you need to be certain what you want and who you're trusting with your heart. If someone is promising the world, a good dose of skepticism is in order. The climate will improve in a day or two.
COMING SOON * * * * *
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Neutral Day
Except for the very early hours, the moon is void-of-course all day until early tomorrow. While the moon is void, consider working on creative projects and put business matters on hold temporarily. New initiatives cannot take hold right now because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, information received during this time is often inaccurate, incomplete or misleading making this a poor time for decisions.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Challenging Day
While the moon is in Libra, people are encouraged to work together which often requires that each party give up something. This is what's needed right now if you want to make headway. Strong opinions all around reflect a deep desire to find solutions to long-standing issues. Though at times you may feel like walking away, if you hang in there, success is likely because luck plays a role in the outcome.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Libra this afternoon so plan your day accordingly. The Libra moon is a good time for social gatherings and public events. The Sun is aligned with Saturn setting a serious tone. There now exists strong desires to get to the root of problems and find solutions. For the next few days while Venus is in a challenging alignment with Neptune, others may not be responsive to your personal needs. It will soon pass.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Mixed Day
The day starts out with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Leo this afternoon. While the moon is void, important decisions and new initiatives should be put on hold. The planetary alignments later today present some challenges. Relationships can be put to the test if too many demands are made. Also as Mars forms a challenging alignment with Uranus, expect some last-minute changes. This is an aspect of impulsive behavior so drive carefully and be aware of what's happening around you.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Cancer though the climate has improved supported by a favorable Mercury Neptune alignment. Inspiration comes when you quiet your mind and listen to your inner guidance. Later as Mars forms a challenging alignment with Uranus, everything can change quickly, and it may become necessary to start over. On a more positive note, if you are willing to try something different or consider an alternative approach, you may be pleasantly surprised. Innovation is rewarded.
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Monday, November 10, 2014
Variable Day
Monday, November 10, 2014
The moon is in Cancer, its natural sign. People can be overly sensitive during this time and this may account for some hurt feelings. But you can push hard and get much accomplished today with the aid of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This is the sign of strength and determination so hard work and a disciplined strategy works well right now. However, use diplomacy and don't overstep your bounds because it can backfire.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * COMING SOON
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Challenging Day
Today's full moon in Taurus may bring something to light regarding finances, investments and big business, but there is still a lot going on beneath the surface. Bide your time until more is known. This is not the best day to borrow money or to seek the help of a financial planner. Delay business matters a day or two until the climate improves. Meanwhile enjoy a good meal with a friend.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for almost the entire day making this a time when new initiatives and important decisions should be put on hold. Moreover, information received during this time is often inaccurate or misleading. So keep that in mind if you get bad news because it's probably nothing to worry about. You can use this time to work on creative projects - music, writing, art etc. The moon moves into Taurus later on and tomorrow's full moon in Taurus puts the spotlight on finances and financial planning.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Challenging Day
While the moon is in Aries, folks seem to be rushing around and going nowhere. You will run into others who are pushing their weight around making it uncomfortable for everyone else. This is a day when startling news or realizations have you switching gears at the last moment. Try not to get caught in the fray. Step back and wait for a better time to move forward.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Aries later on. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives because nothing will take hold right now. As the moon moves into Aries, challenging alignments make for a frustrating time. People are impatient and mistakes happen. You must watch out for those who have their own agenda under the guise of leadership.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Good Day
Friday, October 31, 2014
While the moon is in Aquarius, it is generally a good time for public functions and gathering with friends and groups. The climate is friendly so everyone wants to be helpful. There are a number of favorable planetary alignments in effect today and tomorrow. This is a time when problems can easily be resolved because so many good ideas are proffered. The more people participate the better. Having confidence in achievable goals will get it done.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Aquarius where it will form a challenging alignment with the Sun later on. People are feeling unsettled as they sense change is in the air. But this is a good time to gather in groups, discuss concerns, and offer solutions. Some controversy is likely if people find it difficult to agree but you can listen and agree to disagree. It's best to delay new initiatives until things settle down.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Capricorn and everyone seems to be focused on getting down to work. While the climate is more subdued, you can make progress by having an organized plan. Get your facts in order then make your case. If you run into resistance, it's probably due to poor communication or misunderstanding. People are a bit reserved so you will have to be happy with a cool reception.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * Coming Soon
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Good Day
The moon has moved into Capricorn, so the mood is more subdued but yesterday's positive Venus, Sun, Neptune alignments are still in effect making this a favorable day to move forward with your plans. Though you may have to adjust or change strategy, you can make significant progress. If you run into some resistance, steer clear and wait for the dust to settle. Meanwhile make as much headway as you can.
2015 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * * Coming Soon
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon has moved into Libra, sign of social interaction, relationships and marriage. Though she is not void-of-course, she is making no contact with other planets today and the result is a low-energy day. At such times, it's best to delay new initiatives because there is little energy to get something off the ground. This is a better time to work on creative projects, routine activities or to spend time with friends. Mercury Rx
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Monday, October 20, 2014
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which a lot depends upon your ability to overcome whatever doubts you have or whatever obstacles come your way. It is now easier to make the right connections and to bring your ideas to a wider audience. All you have to do is overcome your own uncertainty. While the moon is in Virgo, attention to detail is important, especially while Mercury is retrograde. Although you have an opportunity to make all the right connections now, delay final agreements until Mercury turns direct on Saturday. Mercury Rx
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Saturday, October 18, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to create the momentum needed for new initiatives to take hold. The moon is void-of-course for the entire day making this a better time to work on creative projects. During this time, activities like meditation and yoga prove beneficial. Moreover, information received while the moon is void is often inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, so keep that in mind and confirm later. Mercury Rx
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Friday, October 17, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Leo it is an ideal time for creative endeavors, the arts in particular. Whether you like photography, music or writing, you have access to the energies that support these and more. This is a fruitful time so let your spirit rise and give birth to your heart's desire. Mercury and Venus are exactly conjoined in the sign of Libra today. This is a very favorable time for social gatherings, and to reconnect with friends, peers and associates. Mercury Rx
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Leo, attention-grabbing behavior is more apparent. This is after all, the sign ruled by the Sun, center of our galaxy. If you want to be in the spotlight consider hosting a party or public event. You can gain attention and interest others in your idea. However, information overload is an issue right now, so take the time to sift through all the data. Try to delay a final decision until Mercury turns direct. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Variable Day
While the moon is in Cancer, we may be dealing with family concerns. Later today the moon's rather challenging alignments suggest that people have mixed feelings about the subject at hand. As retrograde Mercury connects with the Sun tomorrow, ideas abound and people are overloaded with too much information to make a clear judgment. But this is a good time to reconsider your options then make a final decision once Mercury turns direct. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, October 10, 2014
Challenging Day
While the moon is in Taurus, people are concerned about financial security. But this is a better time to learn about investment strategies rather than take action. Information is power so arm yourself with knowledge. While Mercury retrogrades in the sign of Libra for the next couple of weeks, business partnerships and personal relationships may be revisited and changes made if needed. In general, this is always a good time to take a hard look and review your options. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Challenging Day
Today the moon is in Aries, sign of individuality and assertiveness. People would rather go it alone and do things their way. But this is a time when compromise is needed to get anything accomplished. Cooperation is in short supply today as both the sun and moon oppose Uranus and Venus respectively. New strategies are met with skepticism and things can fall apart quickly. Agree to disagree and move on. You can make amendments once Mercury turns direct. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, October 6, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Pisces until she turns void-of-course later on. It continues to be a time when intuitive and psychic impressions are enhanced. This is because Neptune, ruler of Pisces, holds sway over intangible forces. Be guided by your intuition and let your imagination run wild. All creative and artistic projects will benefit from this influence. When the moon turns void, delay new initiatives. Moreover, while Mercury is retrograde, it is better to review and try to improve upon projects already underway rather than starting something new. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Aquarius extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later today. This continues to be a time when working with others would be more productive. Ego's get in the way today and you will have to use your diplomatic skills to avoid confrontation. To complicate matters, Mercury turns retrograde for the next three weeks. Postpone the signing of contracts and legal papers during this time, and double check reservations and appointment. Mercury Rx
Friday, October 3, 2014
Variable Day
While the moon is in Aquarius, the mood is upbeat and people are inclined to look for what's new, unusual and unique. Though you may prefer to go it alone, working with a group would be more productive. Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow, so this is a better time to review your strategy, revise your plans and generally reconsider options rather than start something new. See the "About" section of the Guide for more on this cycle.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Mixed Day
Today's moon in Capricorn will turn void-of-course at 12:19 PM eastern time. While the moon is in Capricorn it's best to stick to a plan that's tried and true. During challenging times you can still succeed if you persevere, but take action early in the day. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives and important decisions. This time is best used to work on creative projects or to take time for yourself. Practices such as meditation, yoga and other such techniques prove fruitful.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Neutral Day
A neutral day is a low-energy day making it difficult to build momentum for anything initiated or launched so it is not a good time to begin a new project. The moon is void-of-course for the entire day. It is an appropriate time to work on creative projects and to turn inward. Practices such as meditation, yoga and other such techniques prove fruitful. Moreover, information received during this time is often inaccurate so keep that in mind and verify later.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, September 29, 2014
Variable Day
On a variable day, conditions are changing so your success depends upon adaptability. It may involve another person who is unable to fulfill an agreement, a delay or postponement or other unpredictable circumstance. While the moon is in Sagittarius, the mood is optimistic and good luck often plays a part in success. On a day like this you should have a backup plan. A clever solution will work and the outcome is favorable.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Scorpio, people are less inclined to be open with others preferring to keep matters private. Later today, Mercury joins the moon in Scorpio, making this a good time for in-depth research and investigative work. If you want to get to the bottom of something, this is the time to start. During the time Mercury travels through Scorpio, expect secretes to be revealed. Mercury turns retrograde on October 4th, moving back into Libra for a while.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Good Day
Yesterday's new moon in Libra set the tone for the next few weeks, which is one of give and take in both personal and business relationships. Moreover the positive alignment of Jupiter and Uranus continues to contribute to a receptive environment for those who are ahead of the trends, so to speak. The more creative, unusual and expansive your ideas, the more interested people seem to be. This is the time to be innovative, step outside your comfort zone and reach for your dream.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient momentum to get something started in a way that allows for growth and expansion. The moon is void-of-course for the entire day making this an unfavorable time to launch a new project. Moreover, decisions made during a void moon may be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. It's best to postpone any important decision and wait for a better day. This is a better time for creative activities, and to turn inward. Practices such as meditation, yoga and other such techniques prove fruitful.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, September 22, 2014
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which circumstances are changing and you may be left without the resources you were counting on. For instance, an important person is missing or funding falls through. However, progress is possible if changes are implemented quickly. Today's moon is in Virgo, sign of service and attention to detail. Projects that require a sharp mind and good organizational skills will benefit from this influence. This evening the Sun moves into Libra marking the Autumnal Equinox.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Virgo later on. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives for a while. The rest of the day is challenging because both the moon and Mars are in a difficult alignment with Neptune contributing to a climate of
misunderstanding and confusion. Whatever your plans, it's best to wait until the fog lifts.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Leo extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. This is a better time for leisurely activities than it is for business matters. Later today, when the Moon aligns with Saturn, you may encounter some delays so plan accordingly. But overall this is a good time for all creative activities as well as entertaining. Marriage, while the moon is in Leo, is based on passion.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, September 19, 2014
Neutral Day
This assessment is often given when planetary and/or moon activity is minimal resulting in a low-energy day. On such days, new initiatives have little momentum to take root and expand so it's best to postpone them for now. Today the moon is in the playful sign of Leo so why not plan a day of fun. This is a good time for entertaining and leisurely activities. Throw a party, go to a movie or just kick back and enjoy the sun.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Cancer extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later on. The early hours are best if you want to begin a new project. Moreover, someone of influence may offer help. All you have to do is ask. Once the moon turns void, it's best to delay new initiatives. Also while the moon is void information is often incomplete or even inaccurate so delay important decisions.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Variable Day
Variable refers to a day in which the climate is changing. While the moon is in Cancer people tend to focus on home, family and security matters. Sometimes changes are made simply because people get bored or restless. But you can expect a surprise or two that may disrupt your plans. If you are able to react quickly to address these issues, you can make progress in the end. Be guided by your feelings.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Cancer later on. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives because they seldom get off the ground and if they do, will not expand and grow as expected. Moreover, important decisions should be postponed during this time because mental acuity is not at its peak and judgment is often impaired. Once the moon moves into Cancer, its natural sign, intuition is heightened. Be guided by your feelings.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, September 15, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Gemini extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. While the moon is in Gemini, people are often noncommittal because a lot of information is exchanged creating more confusion than clarity. Although you believe you are well informed, matters seldom turn out the way you expected. This is a better time to consider your options then decide later. Meanwhile creative visions fill the air so keep a notebook handy.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you will have to work harder to accomplish your objective and the outcome may be disappointing. While the moon is in Gemini, check your sources of information for accuracy. This is a time when decisions can be based on misconceptions or misinformation. But if you need financing, you may be able to get it, although some complications can arise making it necessary to correct or repeat the process.
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Friday, September 12, 2014
Good Days Astrology Guide: Good Day
Good Days Astrology Guide: Good Day: While the moon is in Taurus, people are focused on financial and material security. This is a favorable time to invest your money or to mak...
Good Day
While the moon is in Taurus, people are focused on financial and material security. This is a favorable time to invest your money or to make a purchase that will increase in value over time. The sign of Taurus has dominion over things of beauty such as art, jewelry, antiques, and coins which also appreciate over time. As Mars moves into Sagittarius for the next six weeks, travel and travel-related services are in demand. This is also a good time for new studies, workshops and higher learning.
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Thursday, September 11, 2014
Good Days Astrology Guide: Neutral Day
Good Days Astrology Guide: Neutral Day: Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient momentum to get something off the ground so it's best to delay new initiatives. This asses...
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient momentum to get something off the ground so it's best to delay new initiatives. This assessment is given when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day, but it may also be given when planetary and moon activity is minimal. While the moon is void, mental acuity is not at its peak and judgment is often impaired. But the intuitive channels are open making this an excellent time for inner work. One may be creatively inspired during this time.
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Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Good Days Astrology Guide: Mixed Day
Good Days Astrology Guide: Mixed Day: The moon remains in Pisces early in the day then turns void-of-course later. However, the climate has shifted somewhat and you may find that...
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Pisces early in the day then turns void-of-course later. However, the climate has shifted somewhat and you may find that you have been misled. Make certain that information is accurate before going forward. Later when the moon turns void, delay important decisions because you don't have all the facts. This time is better for introspection, creative interests and the like.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, September 8, 2014
Good Day
Today's full moon in Pisces brings out the best in human nature in the sense that people want to help one another. The compassionate nature of Pisces, and the service-oriented nature of Virgo, combine to shed light on social issues. This is the time to consolidate and complete that which is already underway, rather than starting anew. The Pisces full moon enhances intuitive and psychic awareness.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Aquarius extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later. The climate is rather contentious today and disagreements are likely. This is a time when you benefit from the support of friends. Once the moon turns void, delay new initiatives and important decisions for a while. Projects begun when the moon is void seldom take hold and if they do, will not turn out as planned.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you will have to work harder to accomplish your objective and the outcome may be disappointing. While the moon is in Aquarius, people want freedom and prefer to do things their way. But right now, you further your goals by working with others. This climate favors projects that support the community or the welfare of others. If you go it alone, you will run into resistance of one kind or another.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, September 5, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Capricorn extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course late morning. While the moon is in Capricorn, people are concerned about the everyday necessities of life, so it's always a good idea to have a practical plan. Later when the moon turns void, delay important decisions and new initiatives for a while. Venus moves into Virgo today so for the next few weeks, matters of the heart seem less romantic and more a matter of practicality.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which the climate is changing so if you are interested in launching a new project, be prepared to adapt to circumstances beyond your control. For example, someone you were depending on may be unable to help, or costs are higher than expected. In any case, you can still succeed if you are able to change strategy. On a day like this, it's a good idea to have a backup plan.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Sagittarius during the early part of the day extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later on. Initiate early in the day to benefit from the sun Pluto alignment. Whatever you begin now has power behind it. Once the moon turns void, put actions on hold for a while. This time is best used for creative interests. While the moon is void decisions are often based on incomplete information.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Sagittarius everyone wants to travel, explore and generally have a good time. The sun remains in favorable alignment with Pluto supporting initiatives that reform, rebuild or improve upon something. Whatever you begin now has power behind it. Mercury has
moved into Libra, the sign of social interaction. This is a favorable time to bring people together and share ideas. The public is supportive.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
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Sunday, August 31, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Scorpio extending yesterday's influence through the day. While the moon is in Scorpio information is hidden and it may take some digging to get to the truth. But you can get what you want because persistence pays off. However, be aware that feelings are easily hurt and even constructive criticism can be taken personally. Marriage is based on passion when the moon is in this sign. Relationships begun now will be intense but tend to last.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Good Day
The moon has moved into Scorpio, sign of all things hidden. While the moon is in Scorpio, the mood is one of heightened sensitivity. This is, after all, the sign of passion and intensity making this a good time for projects that require strength, power and concentration. Moreover, if your project is one of secrecy, you can do research relatively unnoticed. If you want to remain out of the spotlight or work behind the scenes, this is a good day to start.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, August 29, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Libra extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later today. Half-truths, misinformation, or even disinformation keeps everyone in the fog today. It's difficult to make a correct decision when you don't have all the facts. Wait for the fog to lift. Once the moon turns void, new initiatives should be postponed because they cannot take hold. This time is appropriate for creative, philosophical, spiritual and metaphysical activities.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Good Days Astrology Guide: Challenging Day
Good Days Astrology Guide: Challenging Day: On a challenging day you will have to work harder to accomplish your objective and the end result may not be exactly what you want. But with...
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you will have to work harder to accomplish your objective and the end result may not be exactly what you want. But with perseverance you can still make progress. While the moon is in Libra people search for harmony and balance but that may be difficult to come by today. Unfair and dishonest practices can get in the way of progress. Be certain you know who you're dealing with before you sign anything. Moreover, misinformation abounds and confusion follows. Eventually the fog dissipates and all is well.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy and momentum to get something off the ground so new initiatives should be delayed and scheduled to launch on a good day. This assessment is given when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day, but it may also be given when planetary and moon activity is minimal. While the moon is void, mental acuity is not at its peak and judgment is often impaired. But this can be a very inspirational and creative time especially if we turn inward.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Virgo extending yesterday's influence, however the climate has shifted somewhat. Projects that require attention to detail or provide a service continue to be supported by the moon in Virgo. This is a good time to hold a seminar, a lecture, or to teach a class. If resources are limited, make do with what you have rather than overreaching. This is the time to hone your skills.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, August 25, 2014
Good Day
On a good day planetary and moon alignments are mostly favorable making it easier to have success with whatever you are planning. Today's new moon is in Virgo, sign of service and attention to detail. Projects that require a sharp mind and good organizational skills will benefit from this influence. Moreover, Venus and Uranus in favorable alignment gives you access to a broad scope of original ideas ready to be explored. There is a market for innovative products, services and ideas.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Variable Day
The sun moves into Virgo early today so for the next few weeks people are focused on health, diet and physical fitness. The moon is now in Leo where she aligns with both Jupiter and Venus creating an atmosphere of well-being and optimism. This is a good time for a party, a get together with friends, a day at the beach or just spending time with loved ones.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Mixed Day
The day starts off with the moon in Cancer extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later on. This is a good time to tackle a demanding project that requires strong analytical skills. You can now get to the root of a problem with ease. Later when the moon turns void, delay new initiatives for a while. The moon remains void for an extended period until late in the day tomorrow.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Good Day
On a good day both planetary and moon alignments are mostly supportive creating a climate in which success is within reach. The moon has moved into its natural sign of Cancer where it is the most sensitive. Her positive alignments with Neptune, which holds sway over intangible forces, supports spiritual practices and inner development. This is also a time when thoughts turn to the arts and all forms of creativity. Moreover Mercury is well aligned with Pluto, helping to uncover needed information and aiding in new discoveries.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Gemini extending yesterday's influence through the day. While the moon is in Gemini communication and exchanging ideas is a key factor in your ability to get the job done. This is a good time to investigate your options and to gather information as long as you know when to disconnect. Information overload is a real possibility and can interfere with your ability to make a final decision.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
Monday, August 18, 2014
Good Day
Today's moon in Gemini supported by a lovely Venus Jupiter connection contributes to a receptive environment in which people are happy to share mutual interests. Should a romance begin at this time, it is likely to be an affectionate and lasting relationship. There is a generosity of spirit in the air and optimism abounds. Practicality is in short supply today so do check the fine print before you sign on the dotted line.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for most of the day. On such days new initiatives should be postponed because they cannot take hold. A better use of this time is for activities that you enjoy especially creative interests. The mind is unfocused but the intuitive channels are wide open. It is not uncommon to have flashes of insights during this time so keep a notebook handy. Keep in mind that information that comes to you during a void moon is often inaccurate, or unsubstantiated.
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Saturday, August 16, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you are likely to run into difficulties that impede your ability to succeed. You can still make progress but it will require commitment and perseverance. The pace is slow today, because people are cautious and you can run into opposition if you push too hard. Delays can be caused by rules and/or regulations that interfere with rather than support your efforts. Try to be patient and wait for the path to clear, then move forward at a better time.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, August 15, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with the moon in Aries, but only for a few hours before she turns void-of-course. However, the void period will last for just about ten minutes then the moon moves into Taurus for the remainder of the day. This is a challenging time because the climate is ever changing and people are concerned about preserving and maintaining personal power and resources. If you are planning a major purchase, it may be difficult to obtain financing.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Aries extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. It is now easier to find a balance between your practical nature and what your heart desires. An influential person may offer to help you because he or she believes in what you're doing. As Mercury moves into Virgo tomorrow, expect a shift in the way people are thinking. For the next few weeks, details are important. Everything will be analyzed, scrutinized and discussed.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Good Day
The moon moves into Aires early in the day where it favorably aligns with both Venus and Jupiter making this a very good time to begin something new or to further a project already underway. You have the support of friends as well as the public at large. Moreover, Mars and
Pluto are well aligned providing both energy and insight to help make your plans a reality.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Pisces extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course at 12:02 PM eastern time and remains so until tomorrow morning. Use the morning hours to tweak your plan then move forward before the moon turns void. During a void moon, new initiatives should be postponed because they seldom get off the ground lacking enough momentum to enable growth and expansion.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, August 11, 2014
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which circumstances are changing and indecision can be a factor in your ability to succeed with the launch of a new project. For instance, you or someone else may have second thoughts, a lack of commitment or a shortage of funds to see the project through to completion. Today's moon in Pisces does not add clarity to the situation. When the moon is in Pisces, the mind is not as focused but on the other hand intuitive and psychic awareness is enhanced. So this is the time to be guided by your feelings.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon is void-of-course early in the day then moves into Aquarius. While the moon is in Aquarius, people are friendly but detached. This climate furthers projects that support the community or the welfare of others. However, expect delays with whatever you're trying to accomplish today. Rules, regulations or some other form of red tape can get in the way of progress. Moreover, you may have to deal with someone who has an ax to grind.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, August 8, 2014
Challenging Day
While the moon is in Capricorn, people tend to be conservative and find it difficult to embrace change, however, this is a time when many want change and innovative ideas are plentiful. The challenge will be to find ways to implement new concepts while conserving what has proven to be effective. This delicate balance will require an open-minded attitude, and a willingness to look at unique even unusual ideas that may seem radical. It is also important to avoid trying to do it all and instead focus on one goal at a time.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Good Day
Except for a very brief period this morning when the moon is void (see your time zone) it is a very good day to let your imagination carry you forward. Take your ideas to the next level and you will be pleasantly surprised at the positive response. This is a climate in which new, creative, imaginative, unique and forward-thinking concepts are welcome. There's electricity in the air, new ideas emerge and change can happen quickly. Everyone is feeling more optimistic.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Sagittarius extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course a bit later. Take advantage of the morning hours to get something going then postpone new initiatives as the moon turns void for the remainder of the day. This time is best used for leisure or creative activities. Information is less reliable if received during a void moon, so investigate further and confirm everything.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Good Day
Early today the moon moves into Sagittarius, sign of freedom, travel, exploration, sports and fun. This is a good time to take a road trip, plan a vacation, go to an amusement park, or participate in a marathon. Enthusiasm is in the air and everyone is open to new possibilities. The more creative, innovative and entertaining your project is, the better. Those who get on board now are in for a fun-filled ride.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, August 4, 2014
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Scorpio extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later today. While the moon is in Scorpio an atmosphere of intensity prevails and some may have a hidden agenda. But you can discover what you need and get what you want because persistence pays off in the end. Later when the moon turns void, postpone new initiatives and final decisions for a while.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you are likely to run into difficulties that impede your ability to succeed. You can make progress but it will require commitment and persistence. Today the moon is in Scorpio so you may be required to do some digging to get to the truth. Information is withheld and not everything is out in the open or what it appears to be. Use this time to do more research. While the moon is in Scorpio, relationships are intense and based on passion so they tend to last.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course the entire day. On such days new initiatives should be postponed because momentum is lacking and they cannot take hold, grow and expand. With Mercury and Jupiter conjunct, inspired and imaginative ideas abound so take advantage of this time to focus on your creative side. New insights may come through the intuitive mind so put business on hold and do what you love. Remember if you receive unpleasant news while the moon is void, it is probably not as serious as you think.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, August 1, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Libra extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course this evening. People tend to promise more than they can deliver and spending may get out of hand so someone has to set the tone and act responsibly. This is a good time to work the problem and find new ways to implement some of the many ideas being offered. You may be inspired to do things on a grand scale so look at the big picture and put aside the details for now. The gathering of information proceeds with ease.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect. The moon remains in Virgo early in the day then turns void-of-course, but only for a short while before moving into Libra. So take care of routine matters early in the day, then later on expect a surprise or two as Venus squares Uranus. Be prepared for a change in plans, meetings cancelled or postponed or someone may show up unexpectedly. This can be a challenging time for those who like to stick to routine.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Variable Day
On a variable day it may be necessary to change your plans or make a minor course correction. The moon remains in Virgo extending yesterday's influence, however, if others are involved with what you're doing, someone may have to be replaced. Moreover, agreements may have to be
amended. Tomorrow Mercury moves into Leo for the next few weeks, so everyone is encouraged to think creatively, and communicate their feelings in a warm, fun-loving way. It's the feeling that counts.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Virgo, people are more discriminating and it is often necessary to decide an issue or make a choice. Attention is focused on matters of work and health. This is a good time to put things in order, especially if you are one who can manage the details. However, the critical nature of Virgo may cause differences to be overemphasized so make it a point to focus on the positive. Mercury has picked up speed and will move into Leo on Thursday, where the focus for the next few weeks will be on creative ideas, imagination, originality, innovation and all things entertaining.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, July 28, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to support the growth and expansion of a new project. The moon is void-of-course for the entire day making it an unfavorable time to launch new initiatives. Moreover, decisions made while the moon is void are seldom acted upon, and if they are usually fall short of expectations. This time is best used for activities of a personal nature like a day at the spa, or a fun day at the beach.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you have to work harder to accomplish your objective and there's no guarantee that the outcome will be to your liking. While the moon is in Leo people are more inclined to take risks but this is a time when caution is rewarded. As Venus and Pluto adversely align, everyone is more sensitive and feelings are easily hurt. Take care to avoid
stepping on anyone's toes. Financial issues also come under review and in some cases, funding may fall through.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until she enters Leo by late morning. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives because momentum is lacking and your plans will not fall short of expectations. The new moon is in Leo this evening but right before the new moon energy
and resources are diminished. Wait a day until the moon moves further from the Sun, before launching your project. Meanwhile this is a good day to get organized in preparation for launching your project in the weeks ahead.
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Friday, July 25, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a time in which there is little momentum to get something going. Therefore, new initiatives should be started another time. Projects begun while the moon is void seldom come to fruition and decisions made during this time are based upon incomplete information. A better use of this time is for activities that you enjoy especially creative interests. The mind is less focused and the intuitive channels are open. Inspiration comes through more often while the moon is void than at other times so keep a notebook handy.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Gemini, sign of adaptability and communication. Along with Venus and Neptune in positive alignment, this is a good time to get creative and put your imagination to work. For those who have an artistic bend, this is a wonderful time to audition, perform, or to stage an event. People are open and receptive to all things that lift one's spirit. For those who love nature, get out and enjoy the journey.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Variable Day
On a variable day it may be necessary to change your plans, shift focus or make a last-minute substitution. Unexpected interruptions may force you to adapt to circumstances outside of your control. Today you need a backup plan. The good news is that you have plenty of information and resources at your disposal. Later the Sun moves into Leo where it remains for the next few weeks. This is a time when people want to play, have fun and enjoy the finer things in life.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, July 21, 2014
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect and certain times of the day are better to assist in accomplishing your goal. The moon remains in Taurus early in the day, turns void-of-course for about two hours, then moves into Gemini. While in Gemini the moon will make a challenging alignment with Neptune, while Mercury is opposed to Pluto, so information is faulty, hidden or deliberately misleading. More investigation is needed before making a final decision.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Taurus, sign of stability and focus. During the early part of the day expect delays or some type of interference with whatever you're trying to do but the pace picks up later on. This is a good time to complete projects already underway. While the moon is in Taurus, it is a favorable climate in which to increase the value of your holdings by taking stock of what you have, making improvements or adding resources. Saturn is direct in Scorpio today, so something hidden may soon be revealed.
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Saturday, July 19, 2014
Good Day
On a good day it is easier to have success because both planetary and moon alignments are supportive. The moon has moved into Taurus, sign of security and stability, and people tend to be focused on finances, investments and in accumulating beautiful things. Moreover, Mercury is in favorable alignment with Neptune so many inspirational and imaginative ideas fill the air. Now is the time to follow your dream, purchase that lovely painting, or take a cruise to some exotic place.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, July 18, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Aries extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. The climate is unsettled and people are argumentative. This is not the best time to push your agenda unless you don't mind a good fight. Finances may come under review as Venus changes signs early in the day. Venus will be in Cancer for the next few weeks, where the focus is on home, family, security and emotional needs, among other things. While Venus is in Cancer you may want to consider remodeling, redecorating or beautifying your home or property.
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Thursday, July 17, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you have to work harder to accomplish something and the outcome may fall short of expectations. The moon has moved into Aries where it forms stressful alignments with Mercury and Pluto making this a difficult time to reach agreements. You may run up against unscrupulous types who challenge your authority or deny you the funding that was promised. It's best to wait for a better time to launch a new project or to make a final commitment.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Pisces extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course late today. While the moon is in Pisces intuition is heightened and you would do well to listen to your inner voice. If you are planning an event, costs can be much higher than anticipated. Delay purchases because you can get a better deal another time. Jupiter has moved into Leo where it remains for the next 12 months. Those born in Leo can look forward to new adventures, a general feeling of well-being and opportunity for growth in the coming months. This evening the moon turns void-of-course so postpone new initiatives for a while.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Variable Day
On a variable day changing circumstances often make it necessary to shift gears and if you can do so in a timely fashion, progress is likely. Today's moon in Pisces aligned with Neptune may cause you to be overly idealistic. If something falls through or someone has a change of heart, be prepared with a backup plan. You should be able to recoup losses and streamline your project.
Jupiter enters Leo tomorrow where it remains for about one year. This will be a time of expansion, growth and new adventures for those born in Leo and for those with Leo ascendant.
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Monday, July 14, 2014
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect and certain times of the day are better than others. The moon remains in Aquarius most of the day extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later on. While the moon is in Aquarius, large-scale
activities produce results. This is a good time to work with groups, attend social functions, or stage an event. Later when the moon turns void, put new initiatives on hold for a while.
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Sunday, July 13, 2014
Good Day
On a good day both planetary and moon alignments are supportive creating a climate in which success is within reach. It is also a favorable time to plan an event, ceremony or social function as Mars and Venus are well aligned. Today agreements are easily reached, people are supportive and financial backing is available. A presentation before a large group will produce the desired outcome. While the moon is in Aquarius people are inclined to embrace unique ideas so if your project is future-oriented or innovative, all the better.
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Saturday, July 12, 2014
Challenging Day
The full moon in Capricorn early today, sets the tone for the next few weeks. This is the sign of responsibility and it is time to take stock of one's goals and objectives. If you need a course correction, now's the time. You may be dealing with Government agencies, officials, or superiors so be prepared to state your case. If planning an event at this time, cost overruns are very likely; take control.
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Friday, July 11, 2014
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you have to work harder to accomplish something and there's no guarantee the outcome will be to your satisfaction. The moon has moved into Capricorn, sign of discipline and caution. Moreover, it is aligned with Pluto bringing complications of one kind or another. This is a better time to take inventory, get rid of stuff, trim the budget and get ready for a new beginning. Distance yourself from people you have outgrown.
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Thursday, July 10, 2014
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect and certain times of the day are better than others. The moon remains in Sagittarius, sign of higher learning, until later in the day when she turns void-of-course. This is a good time to undertake new studies or to advance your education. Once the moon turns void, put your plans on hold for a while. Decisions made during this time are often flawed lacking the benefit of full disclosure.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Neutral Day
A neutral day is one in which there is little momentum to get something off the ground. Today in particular, offers little in the way of support that inspires confidence. Although the moon is not void, it makes only one aspect, a square to Neptune so people may be disoriented and easily misled. Business matters do not fare well but you can use this time to kick back and do something you enjoy. Intuition is enhanced and creativity flows so why not try your hand at writing, painting, photography or just spend a day at the beach.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Today is a Variable Day
The moon remains in Scorpio extending yesterday's influence although the climate has shifted somewhat. Employers, superiors and people in charge can be abrasive or unreasonable. But if you can weather the storm, everything turns out well in the end. This is a good time to lay the foundation for your project because it will endure. You have solid support from those who understand what you're trying to do. Good management is essential. The moon turns void-of-course at 6:33 PM eastern time.
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Monday, July 7, 2014
Good Day
On a good day both planetary and moon alignments are supportive creating a climate in which success is more easily achieved. The moon is in Scorpio well aligned with Neptune so the intuitive channels are open allowing for creativity in many forms. Moreover, Venus and Uranus are well aligned adding an element of adventure. This is a good time especially if you are interested exploration, new technologies and experimenting with new ideas. Even a small change in routine can be stimulating.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Libra extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. Even the simplest things can become complicated today due to an unwelcome surprise. Events unfold so quickly that you can be caught off guard or unprepared. It will be necessary to react quickly if you want to save the day. But in any case mistakes happen and it won't be easy to rectify. Exaggerated promises result in disappointment.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Friday, July 4, 2014
Challenging Day
Though the moon has moved into Libra, sign of compromise, there is little effort in that direction today. In order to make progress now, it will be necessary to find the middle ground. Moreover, while the Sun travels through the sign of Cancer, people are encouraged to make changes whether in their personal lives, career, or the community. It is a restless time so if you plan to move forward, be prepared to adapt to the needs of the public.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Virgo extending yesterday's influence, however, the climate is not as friendly today. Those who want attention may push their personal agendas at the expense of everyone else. If push comes to shove and you decide to stand your ground, be aware that agreements will fall apart. But in the end you will have an opportunity to achieve your goals with the help of someone who believes in what you're doing and lends support. As the Sun opposes Pluto tomorrow - - expect fireworks. Happy Independence Day !!
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Good Day
On a good day both planetary and moon alignments are supportive creating an environment which is receptive to your initiatives. While the moon is in Virgo people tend to be discriminating and overly-critical but intellectual endeavors are favored. Strive for clarity in all your communications, especially for the next few days until Mercury picks up speed. Projects that provide a service can do very well in this climate because people want to help one another. This is a good time to clear the air.
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for the entire day. Projects begun while the moon is void seldom come to fruition because there is not enough momentum to support growth. Also decisions made during this time are usually based on incomplete information, so wait for a better time to make a firm commitment. Mercury turns direct early in the day and not a moment too soon. As it picks up speed in the coming weeks, disagreements are resolved and things return to normal, but it may take some time before you see results. Use this day for creative projects and other personal interests. Mercury Direct at 8:50 AM eastern time.
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Monday, June 30, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Leo extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. The climate remains upbeat though you may be delayed in your travels. Mercury turns direct early tomorrow but will take awhile to pick up speed. Meanwhile, spend time writing, studying and reading. Moreover, this is an appropriate time to renegotiate a contract or agreement but don't sign off on it just yet. Give Mercury time to gain momentum then pick a good day to move forward. Mercury Rx
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Sunday, June 29, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Leo the mood is generally upbeat and people want to have fun. This is a good time to have a party or plan a special event. Moreover the Sun in favorable alignment with Neptune adds inspiration and creativity to the mix. Attend or stage a concert, art exhibition, flower show, or whatever strikes your fancy. Use your imagination to create. Music especially feeds the soul. Mercury Rx
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2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Good Day
Though you may have to sooth someone's hurt feelings, overall this is a favorable time to undertake some renovation projects. Consider a new addition to your home, redecorate, refurbish, or remodel. Select improvements that will increase the value of your investment. While Mercury is retrograde, it is always a good idea to go back and improve something. This applies to all sorts of things, material and otherwise. Mercury turns direct on July 1st.
Mercury Rx
Friday, June 27, 2014
Challenging Day
Today's new moon in Cancer sets the tone for the coming month. Home family and security matters come to the fore. Although the new moon is associated with new beginnings, it is best to wait a day until the moon moves further from the Sun before starting something new. Later as the moon opposes Pluto, people are confrontational and secretes may be revealed. If someone hurts your feelings, keep in mind it's really not about you. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to get something off the ground. The moon is void-of-course for most of the day until 5:06 PM eastern time. On such days, new initiatives should be postponed because they cannot take hold. A better use of this time is for activities that you enjoy especially creative interests. The intuitive channels are open while the mind tends to wander. Put business on hold, walk in nature, spend time in the garden, meditate, or read a good book. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Variable Day
The moon remains in Gemini extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. The climate may be somewhat chaotic as people seem to be running in many directions at once. Though Mars opposite Uranus culminates today, the residual effects are still in play, and will be for a while. Take care while driving and operating machinery and watch out for angry outbursts. Be prepared for a sudden change in plans. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Variable Day
On a variable day changing circumstances make it necessary to adapt to unexpected situations so it is prudent to have a backup plan in place. There's a lot of talk going on but much of it has little substance. People may exaggerate or boast about their accomplishments. Meanwhile as Mars approaches its final opposition to Uranus tomorrow, we can begin to look forward as we adjust to and incorporate the many changes all of us have experienced in the last few months. But take care while driving and operating machinery for the remainder of the week. Then we can all begin to breathe more easily. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide * * * * *
Monday, June 23, 2014
Good Day
The moon remains in Taurus for the rest of the day extending yesterday's influence until she turns void this evening. You now have an opportunity to acquire funding to expand your project or business. Moreover, while Venus is in Gemini the next four weeks, you can consider ways to diversify investments. If writing is your forte, try presenting your manuscript to a publisher, but expect a rewrite or two while Mercury is retrograde. Mercury Rx
2014 Astrology Planning Guide - voted "best new astrology app"
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Good Day
While the moon is in Taurus people tend to be protective of what they have and you will notice a tendency toward stubbornness. This is a good time to address matters of financial and material security such as estate planning, investment or insurance needs and the like. As Venus moves into Gemini early tomorrow, it opens up more than one area of opportunity for material gain. Those who enjoy writing have an opportunity to revise that manuscript and move forward. Mercury Rx
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