All about Electional Astrology - the astrology of timing. Some days are better than others to initiate something of importance. The Moon in relation to the planets and the planets in relation to one another determine the quality of each day. Daily forecasts are based on the analysis of these alignments.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences effect the quality of the day making some times better than others. Today begins with a void-of-course moon until 1:02 PM eastern time when she moves into Capricorn. During the early hours while the moon is void, delay new initiatives and important decisions. This time is best used for routine activities and inner work. Once the moon moves into Capricorn, projects proceed slowly and some delay is likely. As Mercury finally completes two challenging alignments with Pluto and Mars, disagreements are resolved and it is possible to find common ground. You can make progress by agreeing to disagree.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day in which there is little energy available to gain momentum for new initiatives to take hold, so it's best to delay taking action for a while. Today the moon is void-of-course for the entire day, so important decisions and new endeavors should be put on hold. This is a better time to work on creative projects, pursue inner development and inspirational interests. A number of challenging alignments will finally culminate today and tomorrow. Mercury, in a challenging alignment with Mars, increases the likelihood of hasty decisions, and Mars square to Pluto brings anger to the surface. By mid-week, all is well, meanwhile breathe deeply, avoid confrontation and bide your time.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
MIxed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 12:38 PM eastern time when she moves into Sagittarius. While the moon is void, there is not enough momentum to enable projects to take hold so it is best to delay new initiatives for the time being. Once the moon moves into Sagittarius, grand and creative ideas abound but may not be practical when put to the test. However, don't give up and keep experimenting until you succeed because this is a time when well-thought-out innovative concepts can materialize.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Scorpio, sign if renewal, so this is a good time to clean house so to speak. Get rid of things no longer needed and refresh or refurbish your surroundings. This is a time when problems may surface but if you are willing to confront them head on, the outcome can be quite positive. Mercury and the Sun are conjunct and both are in a challenging alignment with Uranus, planet of unexpected happenings. At the same time, Mars is in a challenging alignment with Pluto. These rather difficult combinations are in effect for the next few days so if you find yourself in a tense situation, avoid confrontation.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon is void-of-course until 9:00 AM eastern time then moves into Scorpio. While the moon is in Scorpio, projects that involve investigative research are favored. This is a time when you can work behind the scenes and avoid attracting attention. With a little effort you can spend less and get more for your money. Mercury and the Sun are close together so expect to hear some important news that concerns everyone. Perhaps legislators will surprise us with announcements of a positive nature.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon is in Libra, sign of relationships so this is a time when people like to be with one another. While the moon is Libra we are encouraged to find harmony and balance in all things. However, as the Sun forms a challenging alignment with Uranus, those in leadership roles appear to disagree on just about everything creating an atmosphere of controversy. This alignment does favor new, innovative and unusual approaches to solving old problems so those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone have an opportunity to make their case.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Virgo extending yesterday's influence until late this evening when she turns void-of-course. Mercury has moved into Capricorn, sign of conservation and practicality. While Mercury travels through this sign, thoughts and ideas take on a serious tone. At this time, progress is tied to a good work ethic, organizational skills, and having a solid, long-term plan in place. The Sun is favorably aligned with Neptune today, bringing attention to the arts in a most positive way.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Virgo, sign of work, service and health-related matters. This is a good time to begin a physical fitness program, especially since the moon is favorably aligned with Pluto, planet of sustained effort and transformation. This alignment supports long-term initiatives. Tomorrow Mercury moves into the traditional sign of Capricorn. While Mercury travels through this sign, new ideas are approached with caution. The climate is one of conservative thinking and decisions are based on proven results. This is a time when wise and careful thinking is rewarded.
excerpt from 2014 Astrology Planning Guide
in iTunes and Google Play app stores now
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Mixed Day
A mixed day is one in which more than one influence is in effect making certain times of the day better than others. Today begins with a void-of-course moon until she moves into Virgo later this afternoon. While the moon is void, practical matters should be put on hold for a while. This is a time when you may be inspired to new heights artistically and creatively. Once the moon moves into Virgo, pay attention to details. As the moon aligns with Neptune later on, it is easy to overlook an important statistic. Before moving forward, make sure everyone understands your intentions.
excerpt from: 2014 Astrology Planning Guide
now in the iTunes and Google Play app stores
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Variable Day
The moon remains in Leo and the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the winter solstice. As the sun travels through the earthy sign of Capricorn, the focus is on career, professional goals and status. This is a time when achievement is rewarded. Venus turns retrograde today and remains so for the next six weeks. Relationships and finances, both ruled by Venus, come under review. If you find yourself wondering whether the people you're involved with are worth the effort, some pruning may be necessary.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Variable Day
Variable refers to a changing environment which often involves the substitution of someone or something in order to proceed with your plans. For instance, it may be necessary to shift gears if funding falls through. But this is a time when success follows those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone. New and innovative ideas can take hold so try something never done before.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Cancer extending yesterday's influence. Relationships are tested in this climate of emotional highs and lows. If you're planning a new initiative, it's best to wait until things settle down, but if you have to proceed now, expect to give more than you get. As with all compromise, no one is completely satisfied. Venus will turn retrograde on Saturday and remain so for several weeks, during which time both financial and relationship matters come under review. More on Venus retrograde later.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Challenging Day
A challenging day is one in which you run into obstacles that inhibit your ability to succeed with new initiatives. The moon has moved into Cancer where family matters and financial security take center stage. Disagreements are likely, so a strong hand is needed to reach a compromise that everyone can live with. While the moon is in Cancer, expect emotional highs and lows but this is a good time to review personal and business finances, cut wasteful spending, and implement new guidelines.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 1:17 PM eastern time when she moves into Cancer. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives and final decisions for the time being. The predawn full moon in a challenging alignment with Venus is indicative of unexpected shifts in relationships and finances. People are uncertain, and tend to react with emotions rather than logic. Moreover, Mars continues to be in a challenging alignment with Uranus, planet of reversals and sudden change. So for the better part of the day, proceed with caution and be prepared to shift gears when necessary.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Chalenging Day
Electional astrology, the astrology of timing, is all about giving you an edge when it comes to initiating or launching a new project. Some days are simply better than others and a challenging day is one in which it is difficult to have a positive outcome. At the moment, the moon in Gemini is in a stressful alignment with Mercury and is approaching an opposition to the Sun - full moon. During this time, we are prone to mistakes because information is misunderstood, misleading or incomplete. This is a better time to resolve conflicts and review details rather than to make a final decision.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
Now on iTunes
Variable Day
The moon is in Gemini for the next two days. During this time, an influx of information may contribute to an atmosphere of confusion, especially if you are trying to do it all or to decide on a course of action. It's best to take your time and make minor changes that can result in significant improvements. We are approaching a full moon which only adds to a sense of urgency. But all ends well so take your time.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
2014 Astrology Planning Guide
I am pleased to announce the release of my new and revised 2014 Astrology Planning Guide app. I have added many new features: it is adjustable for every time zone in the world, includes extended daily forecasts, all planetary and moon aspects, moon void-of-course, eclipses, retrograde cycles, and more. Hope you like it !
Preview in iTunes
Good Day
The moon remains in Taurus, extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course this evening. Taurus is a multi-talented sign and often artistic, musical and creative talents are evident. While the moon is in Taurus, it is a favorable time to launch projects of this nature. The social climate is welcoming so if you know what you want, there's a good chance you'll get it. This applies to both personal and business relationships. Seize the day.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Good Day
The moon is in the stable sign of Taurus, where it is considered exalted, meaning that it functions at its best. This is a favorable time to look into your financial affairs. If you are considering refinancing an existing loan or applying for one, today is a good day to go forward. Moreover, Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and romance, so bring people together and romance may flourish.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Mixed Day
During the morning hours, the moon is in Aries, a high energy, assertive fire sign. You can get a lot accomplished early in the day. She turns void-of-course at 10:38 AM until 3:41 PM eastern time then moves into Taurus. While the moon is in Taurus, focus shifts to resources and finances so this is an appropriate time to reassess your spending habits and make adjustments if needed. Jupiter trine Saturn exact today, marks a roughly one-year cycle of growth and improvements both economically and socially. All seems right with the world.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which the climate is changing and the success of new initiatives is dependent upon your ability to adapt to these changing conditions. The moon has moved into Aries and is closely aligned with Uranus, forming a challenging pattern called a T-Square. While this can be a dynamic time it is also a stressful period. Family and personal relationships are put to the test in the coming weeks. Even small disagreements can escalate and get out of hand so keep your cool.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Pisces, sign of the intangible, so intuition continues to be the guiding force behind all decisions. This is often a time when people want to help one another and turn to charitable work or other forms of service. If you are planning a project, make sure you have all the details. Mercury remains favorably aligned with Uranus. Progressive ideas take hold with extraordinary results.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Pisces, sign of the intangible, so for the next two days intuition plays a key role in the decision-making process. You have done the research, and have all the information, now put that aside and listen to your inner guidance. Mercury in a favorable alignment with Uranus creates an environment in which creative ideas, innovative techniques, and cutting-edge technology enable you to make great strides. Seize the opportunity.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course all day so this is a perfect time for all creative endeavors. Often during these intervals, inspirational ideas come forth with ease, music is written, art created and inventions perceived. Worldly matters do not fare as well, so it's best to delay new business initiatives until the moon moves forward into the next sign.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Good Day
Today's moon in Capricorn favorably aligns with Venus and Mars creating a supportive environment for long-term projects, and career goals. Progress will be steady but it may take some time before you see results. This is a good time to hold a public event and to connect with other people. Mercury is in a challenging alignment with Neptune for the next two days, causing some confusion when it comes to evaluating new prospects. So take your time, and make decisions once clarity returns.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Challenging Day
Today the moon is in Sagittarius, the sign of exploration, freedom and new adventures. On a challenging day you will have to overcome resistance or interference but you can still succeed if you are persistent and determined. While some may question your way of doing things, others will appreciate a fresh view and welcome new and creative ideas. Whatever challenges come up, solutions are at hand.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Best Day
A best day occurs rarely and is given this assessment when all planetary and moon alignments are positive thus creating an environment in which new initiatives have the benefit of a receptive audience. Today the moon is in Scorpio and the Sun is favorably aligned with Uranus, planet of inventiveness. This is a time when those who think outside the box have an edge because original ideas take hold and expand. Moreover, you have access to little-known information though it may take some digging to uncover all the facts.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon is void-of-course until 5:00 PM eastern time then moves into Libra, sign of artistry and creativity. Moon void intervals are best for relaxation, introspection and pleasurable activities. While the moon is in Libra it is the perfect time to gather with friends and loved ones. Mercury in a favorable alignment with Jupiter brings a host of new ideas to the fore and everyone is enthusiastic about the possibilities.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Virgo supportive of all work-related endeavors. Mercury is in a positive alignment with both Venus and Jupiter making this a good time to launch large-scale projects, or advertising and marketing campaigns. Moreover, the climate is supportive of business transactions and agreements overall. If you initiate now, it will be a positive experience.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Virgo so for the next two days attention to detail is important. A well-developed presentation will attract people to your project so take the time to do it right. Mercury and Saturn are side by side which can result in traveling and scheduling delays. Patience is needed to bring matters to completion. The Sun in Sagittarius will be in a favorable alignment with Uranus for the next week creating opportunity for those with original and innovative ideas.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day in which there is little energy available to gain momentum for new initiatives to take hold. The moon is void-of-course all day until early tomorrow morning. Often during this time, concentration is lacking, or information is incomplete so it's best to postpone important decisions as well. The sun in Sagittarius is in favorable alignment with Uranus for the next few days making this a wonderful time for travel and new adventures.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Leo where she makes challenging alignments with Mercury and Saturn later today. Misunderstanding and/or delays may put you behind schedule but only for awhile. However, the sun remains in a challenging alignment with Neptune indicating uncertainty and confusion among those in leadership positions. Unfortunately this alignment also speaks of dishonesty, and misleading information or behavior so take all the time you need to sift through the data and delay final decisions until the facts become clear.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course all day so this is a good time for creative projects but put business matters on hold if you can. The sun has moved into Sagittarius where it is in a challenging alignment with Neptune for the next few days. This can be a time when uncertainty prevails as those in leadership roles seem to be struggling with decisions. Scandals continue to attract headlines and it is difficult to get to the truth. Jupiter and Saturn remain in positive alignment for the next few months which is supportive of strong and positive economic trends.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Variable Day
The moon remains in Cancer though the climate has shifted and people are feeling somewhat uncertain. Whatever you're doing today, a backup plan is in order. While Mercury and Venus are in a favorable alignment, creative expression is heightened, and agreements are easily reached benefitting both business and personal relationships. This is a favorable time for gatherings, traveling and social interactions.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Good Day
Today the moon is in Cancer, its natural sign, heightening intuition. Moreover she is in a favorable alignment with Neptune, planet of intangible forces so be guided by your feelings and instincts. This is a time when people want to help one another and humanitarian needs are easily met. Needed information is revealed enabling you to find solutions to long-standing issues. Over the long-term, Saturn and Jupiter continue to be in a favorable alignment so expect continuing improvement in the economy overall.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Gemini turning void-of-course at 11:00 AM eastern time. Early in the day the moon applies to a challenging alignment with Mars, creating a stressful climate in which upsets are likely. Try channeling that competitive energy into sports and outdoor activities. Mercury remains in favorable alignment with Pluto providing an opportunity to uncover new information. Once the moon turns void, take care of routine matters but delay new initiatives for the time being.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Gemini, sign of communication. While the moon is in Gemini, a lot of information is exchanged so it's important to differentiate between what is accurate and what is not. A favorable alignment between Mars and Jupiter now provides an opportunity to achieve your personal goals. Moreover, Mercury in favorable alignment with Pluto, creates a favorable climate for research and development.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Mixed Day
This morning's full moon in Taurus sheds light on financial issues that may need attention. This is a good time to review investment strategies, insurance and retirement accounts, and spending overall. The moon turns void-of-course at 10:17 AM eastern time until 7:08 PM. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives for a while. Use this time to kick back, spend time with family and friends and enjoy your favorite pastime.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Mixed Day
Today the moon is in Aries, sign of action but she is in a challenging alignment with Jupiter so it's easy to go overboard and excesses result. Moreover, Venus and Uranus align so expect the unexpected and check your social calendar. It may be necessary to reschedule an appointment. But this is a good day to get outdoors and do something physical. The moon turns void-of-course at 3:59 PM eastern time until tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for the entire day although the Sun is in a very favorable alignment with Jupiter. This is the time to sit back, take stock of your accomplishments and plan your next adventure. Your feelings will reveal all you need to know. Spend some time in nature, focus inward and find encouragement all around.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Best Day
A best day is a rare occurrence and is given this rating when planetary and moon alignments are all positive. On such days, new initiatives succeed more easily, ideas are well received, and a climate of optimism prevails. Moreover, Mercury in favorable alignment with Neptune, brings the intangible into focus, and dreams manifest. Now that Mercury is direct, you can begin to rectify whatever mishaps may have occurred during the retrograde.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient momentum to get something started. This climate is attributed to the moon, which is void-of-course all day until 9:37 PM eastern time. This time favors creative activities rather than business as usual. Mercury turns direct this afternoon at 4:08 PM. However, it will take a while to gain momentum so you may still run into a few snags on your way to resolving whatever issues you have encountered during the retrograde.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon has moved into Aquarius, sign of friendship and humanitarian interests. This is a favorable time for group activities and public functions. Mercury is also in a positive alignment with Neptune which supports imaginative and creative projects such as writing, music and art. However, feelings and emotions may run contrary to reason at the moment, so best to listen to your inner guidance when making a decision. Finally, Mercury turns direct tomorrow at 4:08 PM eastern time. Thereafter, we can begin to conduct business as usual though it may take a while to see results.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Capricorn, a conservative sign, and people may be overly cautious until they have assurance that commitments will be met. But while Mercury is still retrograde, it is likely that changes are needed and new initiatives are best delayed. Strategy is everything right now and the objective is to win over the critics. If you put your best foot forward, you can still make headway but be prepared to give away something. Mercury turns direct this Sunday at 4:12 PM eastern time.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 3:14 PM eastern time. It's best to delay important decisions and new initiatives during this time. Moreover, Mercury is still retrograde until Sunday November 10th, adding to complications, and misunderstandings overall. If traveling, recheck your reservations and expect some delays. Later today the moon moves into optimistic Sagittarius, sign of higher learning and wisdom. This is a favorable time to study or take a class in philosophy.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Good Day
Today's early morning solar eclipse in 11 degrees of Scorpio, sets the stage for changes in the area of joint finances during the months ahead. On a personal level, this is a good time for financial, insurance, retirement and tax planning. Take a good look at your investments and fine tune where needed. On a national level, it is likely that we will see significant changes in the nation's healthcare objective. An eclipse in Scorpio, sign of deep, transformative change, is sure to usher in new reforms that will benefit everyone, though the process may be difficult.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 12:35 PM eastern time when she moves into Scorpio, sign of death, rebirth and renewal. Tomorrow's solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, emphasizes this theme and carries it forward into the next twelve months. Beginning now, you can revamp a project that has been put aside or scrap it altogether and begin over. This is the time to reconsider your options, make course corrections and shift focus to long-term goals. Wait for Mercury to turn direct, before launching something or signing legal documents.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Libra, sign of compromise and fair play. A climate of change dominates and it is now possible to implement sweeping reforms if everyone works together. This is a good time to improve upon an existing project, but keep in mind that an atmosphere of breakdown and renewal is in play over the long term. As Mercury continues in retrograde motion, you can go back to something tried before, give it new life and try again. Mercury turns direct on November 10, at 4:12 PM eastern time.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Variable Day
The moon is in the practical sign of Virgo today, so this is a good time to take care of routine matters. Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by Mercury, and is supportive of tasks that require discrimination and critical analysis. While Mercury is retrograde, consider revisions and improvements to projects already under way. If you're struggling with a decision, make sure you have all the facts and if possible, delay the signing of legal documents until Mercury turns direct on November 10th.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient momentum to get something started. The moon is void-of-course for the entire day making it an unfavorable time to launch a new project. Moreover, information received during this time is often incomplete or inaccurate, so keep that in mind when making an important decision. This is a favorable time to turn inward, meditate or partake in other forms of spiritual practices.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Variable Day
The moon has moved into Leo, sign of creativity and prominence. If you want to attract attention, this is a good time to hold a public function. During the early part of the day, you can expects some delays in getting things going but later on, as the moon aligns favorably with Venus, it's party time. Mercury is now retrograde in the sign of Scorpio, indicative of the need to overhaul or rework a project already underway. Delay new initiatives until Mercury turns direct.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Cancer extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course at 3:32 PM eastern time. The sun in a favorable alignment with Neptune, encourages all creative projects. Have confidence in your ideas because they can and will attract favorable support. Influential people and those in a position to open doors, will help. Take action before the moon turns void. She will remain void until late tomorrow morning.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into its natural sign of Cancer, its most sensitive position. Intuition is strong and feelings will guide you today. Both the moon and sun are in a positive alignment with Neptune, which holds sway over intangible forces. This is a favorable time for spiritual practices and inner development. It is also a time when thoughts turn to the arts and all kinds of creative projects.
Since we are in a Mercury retrograde cycle, this is an opportune time to go back to something tried before, make changes and/or improvements and give it new life. Mercury retrograde offers us the opportunity to "think about it again." Once Mercury turns direct (November 11) you can go forward. Meanwhile, spend the next three weeks doing the research.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day in which the moon is void-of-course all day. This means the moon is making no applying aspects to other planets, and is therefore wandering. On such days, it is advisable to delay the launch of new projects because there is little momentum and as a consequence your project may not succeed or ever develop. Moreover, decisions made while the moon is void may never be acted upon. This time is best used for personal or creative interests.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Gemini, sign of communication and the exchange of ideas. But while Mercury is retrograde, the free flow of information becomes bogged down, and often communications equipment fails. This is a time when revisions are needed, contracts and agreements are reviewed and changes made. If possible, delay the signing of important documents, contracts and agreements until Mercury turns direct on November 11th.
Early tomorrow morning the Sun moves into Scorpio. This is a time when research and investigation can lead to new discoveries. Focus on making needed changes in the coming weeks then launch your project once Mercury turns direct.
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is retrograde until November 11. Please see my post of May 4th for details on this cycle.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 11:15 AM eastern time when she moves into Gemini. While the moon is in Gemini she will form challenging alignments to both Neptune and Mars, making this a time of confusion and overall disagreements. Moreover, Mercury turns retrograde this morning and will remain so for approximately three weeks. During this cycle, delay the signing of legal documents and agreements. This is a time when it becomes necessary to make sure all information is clear and accurate because misunderstandings are common.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Good Day
While the moon is in Taurus, people may be thinking about financial security, investments and other assets. This is a good time to add to your collectibles, attend an auction or go shopping. Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow morning, so take time during the next three weeks, to review and revise projects already under way. This is the time to make changes and improvements where needed, but not to initiate something new. Moreover, delay the signing of legal documents until Mercury turns direct. For more on this cycle, see my blog, May 4, 2013 posting.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Variable Day
Variable refers to a changing environment in which the outcome is uncertain, however you have a certain amount of leeway to bring about a favorable outcome. The moon has moved into Taurus, sign of determination and persistence. This is a strong position for the moon because it lends emotional stability. This is a good time to lay the groundwork for future projects. As Mars completes a challenging alignment with Neptune this evening (eastern time), confusion dissipates and you should be able to move forward with your plans. However, Mercury is slowing down and will turn retrograde on Monday, so get it done now if you can.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Challenging Day
Today's lunar eclipse in Aries ushers in a strong desire for change and the need to find new ways to resolve differences. A full moon eclipse brings emotions to the surface, and this is a time when everyone has strong opinions. At the moment Mars is in a challenging alignment with Neptune so make certain your information is accurate before committing to anything. That said, this is a good time to work the problem, but wait for a better day to initiate something new.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Aries, sign of new beginnings. Though many want to rush forward and resolve problems, it is prudent to form alliances and bring people together before going ahead with your plans. Tomorrow's full moon eclipse in Aries sets the tone for the next few months and emphasizes the need to work with others for the benefit of all. At the moment, the climate is one of uncertainty and confusion so it is prudent to clarify objectives before taking action.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Neutral Day
Today is classified as neutral because the moon is void-of-course all day. This means that the moon is wandering, in other words making no aspects or alignments to another celestial body. This is an ideal time for activities that rely more on the intuitive and creative channels, such as spiritual practices or artistic endeavors. In my own experience, new insights flow forth easily while the moon is void, so turn off all sources of news, breathe deeply and connect with your source.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Best Day
Today is a "Best Day" which occurs rarely and is given this evaluation only when both planetary and moon alignments are all positive, supportive of whatever you are planning to do. Mars has moved into Virgo, sign of service, and the moon is in Pisces, sign of compassion. Together these influences certainly suggest that it is now possible for people to come together and resolve their differences. Both on the world stage and in your personal lives, sincere negotiations result in a positive outcome. Make the best of this day.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Variable Day
On a variable day, circumstances are changing so it's always a good idea to have a backup plan. The moon remains in Capricorn lending a serious tone to all negotiations and progress is slow. If you're planning a new initiative at this time, it will require patience, hard work and a long-term commitment. Moreover, exaggerated expectations cannot be met and you may feel dissatisfied with the outcome.
The moon turns void-of-course this evening at 7:05 PM eastern time and remains so until tomorrow afternoon.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 10:18 AM eastern time then she moves into Capricorn setting a serious tone for the next two days. This is the time to get down to business, and good organization, determination and planning are important elements for success. Fair play is the name of the game right now, so it's necessary to follow the rules. As long as you take the time to do it right, you can make significant progress, but no short cuts.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Good Day
While the moon is in Sagittarius the mood is optimistic though we may feel restless and eager for new adventures. In fact, this is a good time to travel, expand horizons or explore new opportunities. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of abundance, growth and the higher mind, making this an ideal time to begin new studies. While Venus is in a challenging alignment with Neptune, loved ones may seem somewhat elusive and misunderstandings are likely. This will pass soon enough; meanwhile make every effort to say what you mean.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Sagittarius reflecting a shift in climate to a more optimistic and expansive attitude. People are open to new ideas, exploration, travel and self-improvement. This is a favorable time to undertake new studies or to host a seminar. The moon is with Venus for much of the day so this is a very nice time to launch a creative endeavor such as writing, decorating, or any artistic interest. While Mercury and Saturn align in Scorpio today, expect to hear the voices of doom and gloom, but this should subside in the next day or two. Meanwhile, keep a positive mind.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Scorpio, the sign of secret negotiations and behind the scenes activities. That could very well describe the climate in our nation's capital but it applies equally in your personal lives at this time. This is a day when private negotiations are the best way to proceed. As the Moon, Mercury and Saturn all align in Scorpio, talks take on a serious tone. Moreover, this combination of planets in Scorpio reflects the sense of urgency and intensity felt by all. Progress will most likely be delayed until the middle of the week when Mercury and the moon have moved past Saturn, planet of delay.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Procrastination and TIming
When we procrastinate, it is always our inner, intuitive guidance telling us - no not yet, this is not the right time to do this, say that, or go there. We are the creators of our experience and when we are feeling happy, it is easy to hear this inner guidance and to manifest whatever it is that we want. But most of us are not always in a receptive mode, and that is where astrology can help because we can see what the climate is like on any given day and plan accordingly. Whoever coined the phrase “timing is everything” was in tune with their inner guidance and with the cosmos.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with the Moon in Libra, sign of harmony and compromise, encouraging everyone to work together. This is a good time to gather with others, share mutual interests and exchange ideas. Both social and public functions benefit from the moon in Libra. This is also the favored moon sign for marriage. The moon turns void-of-course by 5:28 PM eastern time and remains so until very early tomorrow morning. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives for the time being.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Challenging Day
The new moon in Libra occurs later today at 7:35 PM eastern time. Right before the new moon energy and resources are diminished. Though the new moon is associated with new beginnings, it is best to wait a day until the moon has moved further from the sun and begins to gain momentum. The tone set for the coming weeks is one of harmony, balance and compromise, but right now, cooperation is difficult to come by as the moon forms challenging alignments with both Pluto and Uranus. By tomorrow, squabbling dies down and everyone seems more willing to work together.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Virgo for most of the day and then turns void-of-course at 2:57 PM eastern time. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives for awhile because there is not enough momentum to support expansion. Meanwhile Sun oppose Uranus, which reflects disharmony and lack of unity, culminates today so hopefully we will see some progress in the direction of compromise. Tomorrow's new moon in Libra, sign of compromise, lends support to the process and sets the tone for the coming two weeks. During this time teamwork is essential.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Virgo, sign of work, service and health-related matters. While the moon is in this sign, people tend to be discriminating and overly critical but intellectual endeavors are favored. Projects that help others or provide a service can do very well in this climate. The Sun remains in a challenging alignment with Uranus but this will culminate early tomorrow morning offering the possibility of a breakthrough in negotiations. Both on a personal level and on the world stage, we can find unique ways to resolve differences.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 1:53 PM eastern time when she moves into Virgo. While the moon is void, delay new initiatives for awhile. Two planetary cycles now in effect contribute to a climate of instability - Sun in a challenging alignment with Pluto and Uranus. For the moment, it is difficult to find common ground but this climate will shift by mid-week and a breakthrough is likely. Meanwhile Mercury remains in a favorable alignment with Neptune, bringing creative ideas within reach. Keep your notebook handy and write down your thoughts.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Variable Day
On a variable day circumstances are changing so if you decide to initiate a new project, it's a good idea to have a backup plan. The moon remains in the playful sign of Leo extending yesterday's influence. Leo is ruled by the Sun, center of our galaxy, so while the moon is in this sign, people desire recognition and admiration. This is the time to share your warmth with others and have fun in the process. As Mercury forms a favorable alignment with Neptune, elusive ideas are easier to define so have your notepad ready to write them down before they disappear into the eithers.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which circumstances are changing and you may be left without the resources you were counting on. For instance, someone who was supposed to provide help and support is unavailable, or funding falls short of expectations. However, you can still make progress if changes are implemented quickly. The moon has moved into the playful sign of Leo so why not plan a day of fun. This is a favorable time for all creative activities and for entertaining.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Cancer extending yesterday's influence so this is a time when you benefit from listening to your inner guidance. If you begin something now, make sure it's what you want because it may cost you more than expected and the outcome may be disappointing. Mercury moves into Scorpio early tomorrow morning and will remain in that sign for an extended period. As a result, long-standing ideas come under review and a major shift in consciousness is possible. Both on a personal level and on the world stage, it's possible to see deep changes and improved relationships.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day, you have to try a little harder to get something going, and in the end you may feel that it was not worth the effort. Disagreements about how to achieve the best results while staying within a preset budget, may cause you to reconsider and/or restructure your plan. However, you can always walk away and come back to it later. The moon remains in Cancer, where lunar influences are strongest, so remember to listen to your emotional guidance.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 2:25 PM eastern time when she moves into Cancer. While the moon is in Cancer, it's natural sign, pay attention to your emotional guidance. It is, by far, the best indicator of how to proceed at this time. We are still reaping the benefits of Venus in a favorable alignment with Jupiter allowing for growth and bounty in many areas. Though the climate has shifted somewhat, you can still make progress but it may take longer to see results. Moreover, you will most likely run into some resistance from those who are stuck in the past. Stay focused on your objective and ignore the naysayers.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Best Day
Today is a "Best Day" which occurs rarely and is given this evaluation only when both planetary and moon alignments are all positive, supportive of whatever you are planning to do. The moon remains in Gemini, extending yesterday's influence but now you have the added benefit of a lovely Venus Jupiter alignment allowing for growth and bounty in many areas. Whatever you initiate now is sure to have wide appeal and financial benefits.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into Gemini and while the moon is in this sign, people like to gather and exchange information. During the morning hours the moon is in a challenging alignment with Neptune, causing some confusion, but all is well by mid-day and you can get on with your plans. A climate of creativity fosters new insights and ideas abound, so put pen to paper, submit a manuscript, or publish a website. Expect more advances in new technology.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course all day. On such days, momentum is lacking therefore, it is not the most opportune time to launch new initiatives, or to make a final decision or commitment. While the moon is void it is said to be wandering and since the moon effects our behavior, we are subject to poor judgment. However, projects requiring creativity, intuition and inspiration all benefit from this cycle. This is an ideal time for meditation, and other types of spiritual practices.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day refers to a changing environment in which the outcome of any new initiative is dependent upon your ability to adapt to unexpected situations. For instance, someone you were depending on may have a change of heart, or be unable to help, financing falls through or equipment breaks down. However, you can still succeed if you are able to address what's needed in a timely fashion.
The moon remains in Taurus, sign of financial and material gains. Today marks the autumnal equinox when the Sun moves into Libra at 4:44 PM eastern time.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for most of the day until 5:34 PM eastern time. On such days, new initiatives should be postponed because there is not enough momentum to get something going so nothing will happen. Moreover, decisions made while the moon is void may never materialize. This is a good time for creative projects or to gather information but not to take action.
Later today the moon moves into Taurus shifting focus to financial and material security. The sign of Taurus has dominin over things of beauty and this is a favorable time to purchase art, jewelry and collectibles that will apreciate in value over time.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day, you are likely to run into difficulties that impede your ability to succeed with new initiatives. This is not to say that you can't make progress with existing projects or work toward your objective. However, when it comes to launching something new, it's best to wait for a supportive time.
The moon remains in Aries, which is ruled by Mars, so this is a time when people are
more assertive and ambitious. However, forceful and impulsive behavior often accompanies the moon in this sign, so it's important to be mindful of other's feelings.
Moreover, Mercury is in a challenging alignment with Jupiter which indicates that some information may be grossly exaggerated. Check your sources before making a commitment.
The moon remains in Aries, which is ruled by Mars, so this is a time when people are
more assertive and ambitious. However, forceful and impulsive behavior often accompanies the moon in this sign, so it's important to be mindful of other's feelings.
Moreover, Mercury is in a challenging alignment with Jupiter which indicates that some information may be grossly exaggerated. Check your sources before making a commitment.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 11:58 am eastern time, so plan accordingly. This afternoon, the moon moves into Aries. This is a time when self-sufficiency is emphasized and people are more likely to reject guidance from others. Challenging planetary and moon alignments later today and into tomorrow suggest this is a better time to resolve differences and make changes where necessary. At the moment, statements are exaggerated so check your sources. Work on existing projects because new initiatives will not fare well today.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Variable Day
The moon remains in Pisces though the climate now reflects the influence of tomorrow's early morning full moon. At the time of the full moon, feelings and emotions dominate our behavior. If we allow ourselves to tap into this energy, this can be a very creative and fruitful time. But make an effort to surround yourself with happy people and positive influences because this is also a time when , like litmus paper, you absorb all that's around you.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Good Day
Today's moon in Pisces is with Neptune, making this a time when intuitive and psychic impressions are enhanced. This is because Neptune holds sway over intangible forces. Be guided by your intuition and let your imagination run wild. All creative, artistic and spiritual matters will benefit from this influence. Later this evening, the moon will favorably align with Venus offering the possibility of a very special relationship - one based on mutual ideals.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Neutral Day
The moon is void-of-course for the entire day (eastern time). On such days, new initiatives cannot take hold because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Business matters and other important activities should be postponed temporarily, though routine affairs are not effected. Because the mind is not as focused during this time, the intuitive, creative channels seem to benefit from this influence. Therefore, it is an ideal time to let your creative juices flow.
Moreover, information received during a void moon, is often incomplete, inaccurate or
misleading so keep that in mind if you're trying to make an important decision.
Moreover, information received during a void moon, is often incomplete, inaccurate or
misleading so keep that in mind if you're trying to make an important decision.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon has moved into Aquarius where she faces a number of challenging alignments today reflecting an unusual set of circumstances which may interfere with your plans. Expect small annoyances such as misplaced keys, cancelled appointments and the like. More importantly, Mercury in a challenging alignment with Uranus, may
bring wonderful insights that benefit all. But the challenge is to find ways to agree and not the opposite.
bring wonderful insights that benefit all. But the challenge is to find ways to agree and not the opposite.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Capricorn until she turns void-of-course at 7:17 PM eastern time. If conventional thinking can be altered, and disagreements can be overcome, this is a time when great strides are possible and it is easier to find answers to long-term problems. Both Venus in favorable alignment with Neptune, and Mars in favorable alignment with Uranus allow a broad scope of understanding and now everyone is receptive to new ideas, new strategies and new solutions.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Good Day
The moon has moved into the serious sign of Capricorn and thoughts now turn to work, obligations and duty. This is the time to get down to business. With a well thought out plan, you can move mountains as long as you forgo forceful tactics. Others will push back and then you risk loosing all the ground you have gained.
This is a particularly good time for inventive, unique and creative projects. Moreover, it is easy to find answers to long-held questions. Both Venus in favorable alignment with Neptune, and Mars in favorable alignment with Uranus allow a broad scope of understanding and everyone is receptive to new ideas, new strategies and new solutions.
This is a particularly good time for inventive, unique and creative projects. Moreover, it is easy to find answers to long-held questions. Both Venus in favorable alignment with Neptune, and Mars in favorable alignment with Uranus allow a broad scope of understanding and everyone is receptive to new ideas, new strategies and new solutions.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Sagittarius extending yesterday's influence until she turns void-of-course later today. While the moon is in this sign, people are inclined to take risks, and behave in a brash manner. In combination with Venus in Scorpio, this can be a time when patience is in short supply. An "all or nothing" tone fills the air and mistakes are made.
The moon turns void at 1:09 PM eastern until early tomorrow morning. Take a break, breath deeply and wait for a better time to make a decision or initiate a new project.
The moon turns void at 1:09 PM eastern until early tomorrow morning. Take a break, breath deeply and wait for a better time to make a decision or initiate a new project.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day refers to a changing environment in which the outcome is uncertain. Indecision can be a factor, especially early in the day while the moon is in a challenging alignment with Neptune. Perhaps someone you were depending on for assistance has a change of heart, or financial backing falls through. In either case, if you are able to make the necessary substitutions, you can still make progress.
Venus moves into Scorpio today where she remains for the next few weeks, ushering in a climate of "all or nothing". Relationships begun during this time have an air of intensity, are based on passion and financial betterment.
Venus moves into Scorpio today where she remains for the next few weeks, ushering in a climate of "all or nothing". Relationships begun during this time have an air of intensity, are based on passion and financial betterment.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to get something started so new initiatives cannot take hold. This assessment is given when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day. Use this time to work on creative projects, align with your inner self or engage in some leisure activity. Business matters should be put on hold for the moment. Moreover, information received during this time can often be inaccurate or misleading so keep that in mind if you're trying to make an important decision. Better to wait a day or two.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which the climate is changing making it necessary to adapt to circumstances beyond your control. On such days, it's best to have a backup plan. The moon is in Scorpio, sign of secrets and subterfuge, so don't expect to have access to all the information you need. To complicate matters, Mars is in a challenging alignment with Saturn, planet of delays. You will run into resistance with whatever you're trying to accomplish right now. If you wait it out, it is possible to succeed eventually. But you may have to push hard for what you want.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Mixed Day
The moon remains in Libra extending yesterday's forecast until she turns void later today. Right now the emphasis is on partnerships and cooperative ventures. People tend to be fair-minded so you can have success if you're willing to meet others half way. The moon's final contact before she turns void-of-course, is a conjunction with Venus, making this a very good time for personal relationships. A friendship begun now will be a lasting one.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Good Day
On a good day it is easier to accomplish what you want because both planetary and moon alignments are mostly positive creating a receptive environment. Both routine matters and new initiatives tend to go well.
While the moon is in Libra people like to socialize and interact with others. If you haven't yet met that special someone, this is the time to get out and mingle. Business matters also go well because we have the added benefit of the Sun and Jupiter in a positive alignment offering opportunity for growth and expansion.
Late morning (eastern time) may offer a few surprises. Enjoy the ride.
While the moon is in Libra people like to socialize and interact with others. If you haven't yet met that special someone, this is the time to get out and mingle. Business matters also go well because we have the added benefit of the Sun and Jupiter in a positive alignment offering opportunity for growth and expansion.
Late morning (eastern time) may offer a few surprises. Enjoy the ride.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Mixed Day
The day begins with a void-of-course moon until 2:14 PM eastern time when she moves into Libra, sign of balance and social interaction. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives for awhile. Something begun during a void moon seldom takes hold because there is not enough momentum to get it going.
Later when the moon moves into Libra and the Sun is favorably aligned with Jupiter, you will have an opportunity to form a beneficial alliance or to reach an agreement furthering your objective. You may be required to compromise, but in the end you hold the winning hand.
Later when the moon moves into Libra and the Sun is favorably aligned with Jupiter, you will have an opportunity to form a beneficial alliance or to reach an agreement furthering your objective. You may be required to compromise, but in the end you hold the winning hand.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Good Day
On a good day you succeed because planetary and moon alignments are supportive creating a receptive environment. Today's new moon in Virgo focuses attention on work, jobs and health-related matters in the days ahead. This is the time to bring your resume up to date. Early in the day, the moon is in favorable alignment with Jupiter, bringing opportunity to your doorstep. Schedule a 9:00 AM (eastern time) interview for the best outcome.
This is also a good time for projects that require good organizational skills and attention to detail. You can get a lot done in short order.
This is also a good time for projects that require good organizational skills and attention to detail. You can get a lot done in short order.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Good Day
On a good day it is easier to have success because planetary and moon alignments are mostly supportive creating a receptive environment. Though everyone seems a bit dreamy early in the day, momentum picks ups later. The moon is in Virgo, the sign most associated with work and health-related matters. Projects that require good organizational skills will benefit from this influence.
Moreover, tomorrow's new moon in Virgo draws attention to health care, jobs, and services during the coming weeks. This is a time when careful planning and attention to detail will go a long way toward helping you succeed.
Moreover, tomorrow's new moon in Virgo draws attention to health care, jobs, and services during the coming weeks. This is a time when careful planning and attention to detail will go a long way toward helping you succeed.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Mixed Day
On a mixed day two or more influences are in effect making certain times of the day better than others to initiate something of importance. The day begins with the moon in Leo extending yesterday's forecast until she turns void-of-course at 12:54 PM eastern time. Whatever your plans today, the morning hours are best.
Once the moon turns void, delay new initiatives because energy is lacking and there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, decisions made during a void moon are usually based upon incomplete or inaccurate information so wait for a better time.
Once the moon turns void, delay new initiatives because energy is lacking and there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, decisions made during a void moon are usually based upon incomplete or inaccurate information so wait for a better time.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Good Day
On a good day it is easier to achieve what you want because planetary and moon alignments are supportive. Today the moon is in Leo, sign of creativity, children, fun and entertainment. She is positively aligned with Uranus for most of the day making this a very good time to try something different. People are curious and inclined to explore new and unusual areas. Take a peak into the future but stay grounded in the process.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Neutral Day
A neutral day is one in which the moon is void-of-course all day. On such days new initiatives should be delayed because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, important decisions should be postponed because the information you have access to is either incomplete or incorrect. This time is best used for all kinds of creative activities. The intuitive and psychic channels are open but the
mind tends to wander.
The moon moves into Leo at 7:02 PM eastern time.
mind tends to wander.
The moon moves into Leo at 7:02 PM eastern time.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Variable Day
The moon remains in Cancer throughout the day until she turns void-of-course at 7:07 PM eastern time. The moon in Cancer is a time when sensitivity is heightened and people feel the influence of their surroundings in a personal way. This is a wonderful time to connect with nature and those things that bring you peace of mind. Spend some time with family and loved ones and put business matters on hold.
Today and tomorrow are favorable times to clean out the closets, garage, and attic, hold a yard sale, and get rid of stuff. The Sun and Pluto is in a favorable alignment indicating a good time to renew, renovate and get things in order.
Today and tomorrow are favorable times to clean out the closets, garage, and attic, hold a yard sale, and get rid of stuff. The Sun and Pluto is in a favorable alignment indicating a good time to renew, renovate and get things in order.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which the climate is changing so if you are interested in launching a new project, be prepared to make last-minute changes. This is a time when your words and ideas make an impression on those in a position to help. You can submit a manuscript, make a speech, offer a presentation, or host a public function and the outcome will be positive.
However, today's moon in Cancer heightens sensitivity and you may have to sooth someone's feelings along the way. Budget wisely to avoid over-spending.
However, today's moon in Cancer heightens sensitivity and you may have to sooth someone's feelings along the way. Budget wisely to avoid over-spending.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Neutral Day
Neutral refers to a day that lacks sufficient energy to get something off the ground so new initiatives should be put on hold. This assessment is given when the moon is void-of-course for the entire day, but it may also be given when planetary and moon activity is minimal. While the moon is void, mental acuity is not at its peak and judgment is often impaired. But the intuitive channels are wide open making this an excellent time to turn inward. Find inspiration from nature, music, or whatever eases your soul.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Good Day
On a good day it is easier to succeed with new initiatives because both planetary and moon alignments are mostly positive. The afternoon hours are best while the moon in Gemini applies to positive alignments with Venus (social interaction) and Uranus (innovative concepts) making this a time when unique ideas attract public support.
Mercury still favorably aligned with Pluto adds an element of persuasiveness to words making this a favorable time for marketing your project. You may also want to consider using your communication skills for public speaking, seminars, presentations and the like.
Mercury still favorably aligned with Pluto adds an element of persuasiveness to words making this a favorable time for marketing your project. You may also want to consider using your communication skills for public speaking, seminars, presentations and the like.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Variable Day
A variable day is one in which the climate is changing so if you are interested in launching a new initiative, be prepared to adapt to circumstances beyond your control. For example, someone you were depending on may be unable to help, or costs are higher than expected. In any case, you can still succeed if you are able to adapt. On a day like this, it's a good idea to have a backup plan.
The moon remains in Taurus favorably aligned with Mars. You will make headway if you're not bent on getting everything just right. Do your best then let it go.
The moon remains in Taurus favorably aligned with Mars. You will make headway if you're not bent on getting everything just right. Do your best then let it go.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Taurus extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. If you are planning to launch something now, keep in mind that misunderstandings may lead to errors in judgment. You may be getting mixed signals or listening to someone who is misinformed. Let intuition guide you today. This is not the time for heady decisions.
Many relationships have been tested in the last few days as people try to balance the desire for freedom and the need for an intimate relationship. The planets Venus (love) and Uranus (freedom) in a challenging alignment suggests that some time apart may be just what the doctor ordered. The climate changes by mid-week.
Many relationships have been tested in the last few days as people try to balance the desire for freedom and the need for an intimate relationship. The planets Venus (love) and Uranus (freedom) in a challenging alignment suggests that some time apart may be just what the doctor ordered. The climate changes by mid-week.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you are likely to run into obstacles that impede your ability to succeed with whatever new initiatives are launched. A number of challenging planetary alignments today describes a climate of instability. Facts are hard to come by and unreliable or misleading information may lead to errors in judgment. People are noncommittal or indecisive. If you feel you are standing on shifting sands know that everyone else is to. Wait for the dust to settle.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Challenging Day
The moon remains in Aries extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. Though the tendency is to move quickly and push forward, forceful tactics will not get you very far today. People you come in contact with may have a hidden agenda. This is a time when others can be manipulative in a quest to have their desires fulfilled.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day you are likely to run into difficulties that impede your ability to succeed. Today the moon is in Aries, sign of assertiveness, but this is a time when such behavior can backfire. Generally when the moon is in Aries people want to work independently so if your plans require the cooperation or participation of others, it's best to wait it out.
Moreover, Venus in challenging alignment with Pluto puts a strain on relationships, whether business or personal in nature. Everyone has an opinion but cooperation is hard to come by. As Mercury moves into Virgo later today, people can be overly critical focusing on what's wrong rather than what's right.
Moreover, Venus in challenging alignment with Pluto puts a strain on relationships, whether business or personal in nature. Everyone has an opinion but cooperation is hard to come by. As Mercury moves into Virgo later today, people can be overly critical focusing on what's wrong rather than what's right.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Good Day
The moon remains in Pisces extending yesterday's influence through today. While the moon is in Pisces people are drawn to music, the arts and all things of beauty. Moreover, intuitive and psychic impressions are heightened making this a time when you should follow your instincts and feelings.
The sun moves into Virgo this evening, shifting focus to things of a practical nature.
For the next few weeks communications take on a realistic tone as issues are examined and analyzed. This is a good time to take on projects that provide a service to others.
The sun moves into Virgo this evening, shifting focus to things of a practical nature.
For the next few weeks communications take on a realistic tone as issues are examined and analyzed. This is a good time to take on projects that provide a service to others.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Hello Friends
Hi all
I just created a Facebook page and would very much appreciate if you "like me" and of course become my friend. Hope to see you there :)
I just created a Facebook page and would very much appreciate if you "like me" and of course become my friend. Hope to see you there :)
Good Day
On a good day planetary and moon alignments are favorable creating a receptive environment in which to launch new initiatives and have a successful outcome.
Today the moon is in Pisces, sign of artistry, creativity and intuition. While the moon is in Pisces imagination is strong and psychic impressions are not uncommon. This is because Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune which holds sway over intangible forces. This is the time to listen to your inner guidance. Moreover, this is a favorable climate in which to further all artistic projects like writing, acting, musical concerts or dance recitals.
Today the moon is in Pisces, sign of artistry, creativity and intuition. While the moon is in Pisces imagination is strong and psychic impressions are not uncommon. This is because Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune which holds sway over intangible forces. This is the time to listen to your inner guidance. Moreover, this is a favorable climate in which to further all artistic projects like writing, acting, musical concerts or dance recitals.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Challenging Day
This evening's full moon in Aquarius brings to light social issues and stimulates an interest in the welfare of others. This is a time when innovative ideas can catch on and draw public attention. However, everyone wants to go their own way making it difficult to form a consensus.
Moreover, Jupiter is in challenging alignment with Uranus, planet of extremes. Taking unnecessary risks can put your plans in jeopardy.
Moreover, Jupiter is in challenging alignment with Uranus, planet of extremes. Taking unnecessary risks can put your plans in jeopardy.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day it is difficult to succeed because planetary and moon alignments are not supportive, creating an environment of circumstances beyond your control.
Today's moon in Aquarius contributes to a climate of fun and excitement but people lack restraint and go overboard when they should conserve. However, this is a time when inventive, original ideas abound. Those who can access this wisdom have the opportunity to break new ground. Expect resistance from traditionalists who don't want change.
Today's moon in Aquarius contributes to a climate of fun and excitement but people lack restraint and go overboard when they should conserve. However, this is a time when inventive, original ideas abound. Those who can access this wisdom have the opportunity to break new ground. Expect resistance from traditionalists who don't want change.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Mixed Day
On a mixed day two or more influences are in effect making certain times of the day better than others. The day begins with the moon in Capricorn applying to a difficult alignment with Mars. This is a challenging time; progress is slow, people are cautious and unwilling to compromise.
The moon turns void-of-course at 2:27 PM eastern time and remains so until tomorrow morning. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, delay important decisions while the moon is void. Information is incomplete, incorrect or unreliable.
The moon turns void-of-course at 2:27 PM eastern time and remains so until tomorrow morning. While the moon is void, postpone new initiatives because there is not enough momentum to get something off the ground. Moreover, delay important decisions while the moon is void. Information is incomplete, incorrect or unreliable.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Challenging Day
On a challenging day it is more difficult to succeed and the effort put forth often goes unrewarded. Today the moon is in Capricorn which tends to slow things down because it is necessary to follow the rules, comply with regulations or answer to those in charge.
A serious tone marks the day so be prepared to get down to business. Moreover, unexpected or last-minute changes may interfere with your plans. Best to delay new initiatives until the climate improves.
A serious tone marks the day so be prepared to get down to business. Moreover, unexpected or last-minute changes may interfere with your plans. Best to delay new initiatives until the climate improves.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Mixed Day
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon void-of-course at 1:33 PM
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect and certain times of the day are better than others to initiate something. The early part of the day is best because by mid-day the moon turns void-of-course and remains void until 11:26 PM eastern time.
While the moon is void, it is best to delay new initiatives because there is little momentum to get anything off the ground. Moreover, final decisions should be postponed because more information is needed. Instead, use this time for creative projects or just kick back and relax. The intuitive channels are open while the mind tends to wander.
Moon void-of-course at 1:33 PM
A mixed day is one in which two or more influences are in effect and certain times of the day are better than others to initiate something. The early part of the day is best because by mid-day the moon turns void-of-course and remains void until 11:26 PM eastern time.
While the moon is void, it is best to delay new initiatives because there is little momentum to get anything off the ground. Moreover, final decisions should be postponed because more information is needed. Instead, use this time for creative projects or just kick back and relax. The intuitive channels are open while the mind tends to wander.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Good Day
On a good day the planets align harmoniously creating a supportive environment in which you have the best conditions to launch a new initiative or to do anything of importance. On such days it is much easier to have a successful outcome.
Today the moon is in Sagittarius. Everyone is feeling more optimistic and adventurous. This is a good time to travel, engage in competitive sports, or undertake new studies. Moreover, Mercury in favorable alignment with Uranus brings forth unique, creative ideas and this is the time to act on them.
Today the moon is in Sagittarius. Everyone is feeling more optimistic and adventurous. This is a good time to travel, engage in competitive sports, or undertake new studies. Moreover, Mercury in favorable alignment with Uranus brings forth unique, creative ideas and this is the time to act on them.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Good Day
On a good day favorable planetary and moon alignments create a climate in which it is easier to have success with whatever you are doing. Whether you are planning a special event, a business initiative, or a major purchase, the timing is supportive.
The moon remains in Scorpio extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. This is a time when original and creative ideas are received with open arms. Consider reviving a project that has been on the back burner.
The moon remains in Scorpio extending yesterday's influence throughout the day. This is a time when original and creative ideas are received with open arms. Consider reviving a project that has been on the back burner.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Timing and the Moon
There is an entire branch of astrology devoted to timing in which
the Moon plays a very important role. Although the Moon is not the only consideration, it is a very effective tool in determining a good time to take action. This branch of astrology is called electional astrology - the astrology of timing.
But you don’t have to learn this subject to understand how to use the Moon to
improve your timing. The Moon is the closest orbiting body to earth and as such
she is responsible for setting events in motion. Here we will show you how to
work with the Moon’s daily motion, her sign and aspects to improve your timing.
B ecause the Moon moves so quickly, she may make several
aspects during the course of a day. The Moon's first applying aspect at the
time you begin something describes how your action gets off the ground and/or
the circumstances you may encounter. The Moon's last aspect before she changes
signs describes the end result or eventual outcome of your action.
(Llewellyn, 2005)
Electional Astrology Planning Guide app for iPhone and Android
Electional Astrology Planning Guide e-Book
Astrology for Beginners: a simple way to read your chart (Llewellyn 2007)
web site: Astrological Insights:
To begin with, we have to find the times during which the
Moon is void-of-course. Since the Moon changes signs approximately every
two-and-a-half days, she is considered void when she ceases to form any major
applying aspect to another planet before moving into the next sign. During
these time intervals, things usually don't turn out as planned. As a rule of
thumb "nothing of consequence" will evolve when the Moon is void so
it's best to avoid planning important events during these times. Routine
activities, however, are usually not affected and the void-of-course Moon does
favor artistic, creative and leisure activities.
As a general rule, it is most desirable to begin a new
project or one that requires growth after a New Moon. The two-and-a-half week
period after the New Moon each month is the Moon's waxing phase. She is
increasing in light, going from new to full, and anything done during this time
has the best chance for growth, expansion and gain. The two-and-a-half week period after the Full
Moon is the Moon's waning phase. She is decreasing in light, and this is the
best time to consolidate, organize and complete that which you began earlier. A
decreasing Moon is also desirable for activities where you want to minimize the
outcome or result. For instance if you get a haircut on a decreasing Moon it
will grow in more slowly than it will on a waxing Moon cycle.
If you were planning to go on a job interview, for example,
you would try to pick a time when the Moon is applying to a favorable aspect
with another planet. This positive first aspect supports a smooth beginning. A
conjunction, sextile or trine falls into this category and the nature of the
planet the Moon is applying to will tell you something about what you can
If at the time of your interview the Moon first applies to a
trine with Mercury, the planet that rules communication, you can expect written and oral communication to go
well. If, however, the Moon is applying
to an opposition with Mercury, your interview might get off to a rocky start,
as oppositions indicate some disagreement and the need to compromise. This does
not indicate the final outcome of your interview. For that we have to look at
the Moon's final aspect before she changes signs. If the Moon's final aspect is
a sextile to Venus, you have a pretty good chance of getting that job.
But let's say you scheduled your job interview during a time
when the Moon was applying to a stressful aspect such as a square to Mercury instead
of a trine. This doesn't automatically spell disaster but does indicate you may
run into some Mercury related complications. Perhaps you couldn't get your car
started and you arrived late for your interview. Since Mercury also rules automobiles and
mechanical devices, this is one possible scenario, and the square indicates the
need to overcome something.
The sign the Moon occupies describes the general mood or
feel of the day. The nature of the
planet she aspects will tell you something about what you can expect. To help
you determine the best time to take action note the Moon’s sign and her
Moon through the
Aires: When the Moon is in Aries people are active and energetic and may be
somewhat aggressive or headstrong. The Moon in Aries favors new and innovative
projects. Take the initiative. This fire sign favors quick action and immediate
Taurus: In Taurus the pace slows down and caution prevails. People tend to
be concerned with material security. The Moon in Taurus favors planned,
deliberate action. Choose the Taurus Moon when you want your project to have
Gemini: Moon in Gemini indicates restlessness and people have trouble
making up their minds. This sign favors doing two things at once but expect to
make changes. Choose this Moon sign when you have to do research but postpone a
final decision.
Cancer: Moon in Cancer shows sensitivity and people tend to be moody. It is
easy to overindulge. This placement favors domestic issues and self-protection.
Choose this Moon sign for family matters or to plan a special meal.
Leo: Moon in Leo brings out one's affectionate nature. People are generous
and more willing to take a chance. This sign favors taking risks that turn out
to be successful. Choose a Leo Moon when you’re planning a party or other
Virgo: Moon in Virgo indicates people will be more discriminating than
usual, somewhat critical and concerned about the details. Virgo Moon favors
attending to routine tasks. You may have to make an important decision.
Libra: Moon in Libra supports anything that requires teamwork. Cooperation
and fairness is emphasized. Choose Libra Moon for marriage or a partnership
venture. You can expect others to be obliging.
Scorpio: Moon in Scorpio brings out strong passions and people can be
forceful. Scorpio Moon favors doing things behind the scenes. Actions tend to
be secrete or not in the open. This is good for investigations and research.
Sagittarius: Moon in Sagittarius brings out the desire for travel and
adventure. People are more spontaneous and willing to take risks. Moon here
favors licensing, documentation and filing legal papers.
Capricorn: Serious work is on everyone's mind with the Moon in Capricorn.
Often people are somewhat pessimistic and things proceed slowly. Capricorn Moon
favors lasting results but expect some challenges.
Aquarius: Moon in Aquarius favors group activities and getting together
with friends. Though people are friendly they are somewhat impersonal. Moon
here favors doing something different, spontaneous and unplanned.
Pisces: Moon in Pisces heightens sensitivity and people can be somewhat
distracted or imaginative. Misunderstandings are possible so it’s best to
clarify everything. When the Moon is in Pisces people want to help you or vice
When beginning something new take note of the Moon’s first
and last aspect before she changes signs. These are the two most important
considerations. Her first and last aspects tell you what to expect as you begin
and the likely outcome of your project respectively.
Moon’s aspects
 Conjunction: is usually a favorable aspect; it
supports the beginning of something new or the early stages of development. It
brings people together. You should initiate action. If it is the Moon’s final aspect it suggests
the end result is a new beginning.
Æ Sextile: is a favorable aspect offering
opportunity, information and generally favorable circumstances. You can get the
facts. If it is the Moon’s final aspect you end up getting the help you
Å Square: is a stressful aspect although the
obstacle can be overcome with effort on your part. Often this indicates the
need to work hard to get things going. If it is the Moon’s final aspect it can
be difficult to overcome the challenge but not impossible.
Ä Trine: is a very favorable aspect; little
effort is required to get things going because luck is on your side. It brings
good results, which you often know about ahead of time. If it is the Moon’s
final aspect it shows a successful outcome.
à Opposition: is a stressful aspect – but you
are fully aware of the problem. You may be able to come to an agreement if you
are willing to give up something. If it is the Moon’s final aspect it shows the
need to compromise otherwise the matter is dropped.
The Moon has more to say and each planet she aspects will
tell you something about the circumstances about to unfold. When she applies
Sun: interaction with those in positions of power; administrators,
executives, employers, superiors or children. The Sun describes people who make
an impression and are in a strong position. It often defines one who is
influential and respected and who may be able to help you.
Mercury: contact with agents, brokers, salesmen, and mechanics. You may
sign a contract or reach an agreement with someone. Mercury describes people
who are versatile, intelligent and can be indecisive. It suggests you may need
to gather more information before making a decision.
Venus: transactions with bankers and financial experts; artists and
musicians; teachers and counselors; decorators and designers; beauticians and
hairdressers. Venus describes people who are interested in social standing and
equal rights. When the Moon apples to Venus an atmosphere of balance prevails.
Mars: contact with dynamic, assertive people; or craftsmen, dentists, and
mechanics. Mars describes people who are willing to take on a challenge or
circumstances that require courage and self-reliance. When the Moon applies to
Mars you should take the initiative but beware of possible conflicts and
Jupiter: exchange with advisers, advertising agents, travel agents and
professors. Jupiter describes people who are generous, principled and
trustworthy. They can be intellectual or philanthropic. When the Moon applies
to Jupiter legal issues can be resolved through negotiation. A conciliatory
atmosphere prevails.
Saturn: interaction with those in authority – employer or boss; managers
and department heads; older people and elders. Saturn describes serious
circumstances and people who are cautious and may want control. They can be
reliable, dependable or problematic. When the Moon applies to Saturn expect
delays. You have to persevere.
Uranus: contact with astrologers and other unusual people; technicians and
electricians; creative and eccentric people; scientists and inventors. Uranus
describes quick changing circumstances and an unexpected outcome. When the Moon
applies to Uranus try to be flexible and go with the flow.
Neptune : contact with musicians and
artists; intuitive and creative people; chemists and druggists; ailing or sick
people. Neptune describes dubious circumstances
and people who do not have all the facts or are withholding something. When the
Moon applies to Neptune there is likely to be confusion
regarding the outcome of your project.
Pluto: contact with detectives and policemen; tax and insurance agents;
healers and doctors; large groups of people. Pluto describes people who do not
reveal their intentions; also questionable circumstances are afoot. When the
Moon applies to Pluto something is hidden and problems are revealed later
In timing with the Moon remember she is allowed all applying
aspects and it doesn't matter how long it takes her to complete these. So if you begin your project on Monday at
11:00 AM when the Moon is applying to a conjunction with another planet, just
look ahead to the Moon's final aspect before she changes signs to determine the
final outcome. The applying or next aspect must be in effect at the time you
begin your activity. So if you scheduled an 11:00 AM appointment, the applying
aspect is the next one that occurs after that time. Then look ahead to her
final aspect to learn the outcome.
In summary: 1) try to choose a positive applying Moon aspect
at the time you begin your activity 2) avoid the times when the Moon is
void-of-course 3) take into account the Moon sign as it sets the tone 4) if you
are beginning a long-term project that requires growth, choose a waxing Moon 5)
the Moon’s final aspect should be a positive one to support the best outcome
Once you get into the habit of watching the Moon you will be
better able to time your initiatives for optimum results. The reward – more
successful outcomes many times over!
© Copyright 2005-2013 by Joann Hampar
Joann Hampar is
the author of Electional Astrology: The Art of Timing(Llewellyn, 2005)
Electional Astrology Planning Guide app for iPhone and Android
Electional Astrology Planning Guide e-Book
Astrology for Beginners: a simple way to read your chart (Llewellyn 2007)
web site: Astrological Insights:
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